The Waynedale community can certainly be proud of the local organizations that sponsored the Memorial Day Parade this year. Just as we can be‑quite proud of the crowds that gathered on both sides of Old Trail Road from Waynedale United Methodist Church all the way to Prairie Grove Cemetery. And we express our gratitude to all of the groups and individuals that participated in the Parade and in the heartfelt ceremonies at Prairie Grove.
The residents of Waynedale can be quite proud of the patriotism that was displayed in so many ways during the day. As the Parade moved past Scott’s parking lot, a tear developed in my eye. I watched one of our senior citizens struggle out of a comfortable lawn chair so that he might show his grandson the proper salute and honor’s to be rendered to our Nation’s flag as it and the Color guard passed. It is a flag whose principals are worth defending. At the same time, my fervent prayer for this year would be that the most current generation will never have to experience war on any level. But our Nation can be quite proud that a small community like Waynedale can celebrate Memorial Day, with the freedoms that we enjoy, in any manner that we care. Mr. Ben GiaQuinta served as Parade Marshall and he placed a wreath in honor of all Veterans.‑ Mr. Steve Branstrator, Commander of‑VFW Post #1421, served as Master of Ceremonies for the gathering at Prairie Grove. The national anthem and taps were played by the Elmhurst Marching Band while Whispering Wings released a flight of doves followed by a single dove to‑honor those that gave their lives that we might keep our freedom.
As you think about your Memorial Day Holiday and parade, please thank the sponsors that make this event possible. American Legion Post #241, Southwest Conservation Club, The Waynedale News, AmVets #33, VFW Post #1421, and FOE #248. And PLEASE find a veteran to thank, also.
In a tradition that‑was developed a few years ago, the Lion’s Club was selling some great BBQ chicken at the corner of‑Old Trail and Lower Huntington. And for those of you that chose to go by the Conservation Club for “Waynedale Daze”‑and try out your fishing luck, The Waynedale News and The Bait and Hook Store provided all you need to walk up and drop in a line! It doesn’t get much easier than that. Thanks again to all those that did the work to get this going nicely, especially those that I missed mentioning here.
Local Scouts were represented by:
Pack 3322 with Scouts Nathan Bauser, Dalton Moore, Trey Lohman, Dylan Leslie, Joey Brown, Connor Minns, Nicholas Adams, Bob Leslie, Bob Bauser, and Keri Roby.
Pack 3344 with Nick Heintzolman, Curtis Heintzolman,‑Walker Long, Bronson Long, A. J. Gallagher, Drew Gallagher, Jake Gallagher, Bradley Kolkman, Pam Gallagher, Chris Seplak, Nancy Seplak, and Bill Lamb.
Pack 3352 with Joe Howaniec.
Troop #300 scouts Joe Baxter, Andrew Conte, Jake Mallott, Aaron Ware, Eric Ware, Josh Ware, and Theresa Dirig.
Troop #344 with Scouts Ed Howaniec, Micheael Grindle, Joe Wilder, Zach Firestone, Sean Driscoll, John Dukarski, Rob Dukarski, Joe Osterman, Leaders Joe Baumgarter, Tom Wilder, Andy Dukarski,Bob Rainwaters, Randy Brautzsh, Ed Howoniac, Chris Seplak, and Gary McOmber.
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