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May 17, 2005 marks the 50th anniversary of the Waynedale Masonic Lodge #739. The anniversary will be celebrated at the Lodge located at 7039 Elzey Street, just north of Waynedale Elementary on Saturday, May 14, 2005.

This celebration will include a rededication of the Lodge by the Grand Master of Masons of the State of Indiana, Richard J. Elman, along with Grand Lodge officers.

The Lodge was granted a charter on May 17, 1955 and was originally located next to The Waynedale Bakery on Lower Huntington Road above Lewis Shoe Store owned by one of the founding members of the Lodge, Charles Lewis.

The Lodge soon began to plan for the construction of their own Temple due to increased membership. Their current facility on 7039 Elzey Street was dedicated on March 14, 1970 and is home of the Masonic Lodge and also the Waynedale Chapter #600 of the Eastern Star, as well as, the Tall Cedars of Lebanon Old Fort Forest #194.

Carey B. Carter Worshipful Master of Waynedale Masonic Lodge #739 said, “The Lodge has enjoyed being a part of Waynedale and looks forward to the next 50 years as part of this great community.”

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