Waynedale Political Commentaries

Austin Knox (D) – Wayne Township Trustee

After becoming Trustee in January 2020, the worst pandemic in 100 years was running rampant. I understood that constituents needed assistance with necessities and my administration found creative ways to meet the need. We were able to provide these necessities, while helping to ensure health and safety.

During this time, our administration kept utilities from being shut off, roofs over neighbors’ heads, and food and household supplies in pantries. We have made food more accessible in Wayne Township by placing Community Pantries throughout the township. During the COVID years, we found new ways to use technology to serve our constituents. The new technology made our application process easier by using email and cell phones to simplify the application process. This allowed constituents to apply for assistance from the safety of their own homes. We still use this technology today to help reduce time spent on applications, which allows us to save taxpayer dollars.

Our office has assisted almost 4000 individuals seeking township assistance in 2021. With the cost of everything rising across the board from rent to groceries to gasoline, it has been my duty to make sure that those who meet our eligibility requirements have what they need. Data-driven research helped us adjust to the ever-increasing needs of our constituents. We updated our eligibility standards to provide gasoline assistance. As Wayne Township Trustee, I want to make sure everyone has an opportunity to improve their lives.

In 2022, we hosted the first-ever job fair matching potential employers with our constituents needing help getting back on their feet. I want to help people strive and not just survive.

The Trustee is entrusted to responsibly manage the budget of Wayne Township. I have been fiscally responsible during my first term as Trustee and can be credited for decreasing our tax levy. I will continue to work with our veteran board members; Pat Turner, Bruce Stier and Tony Henry to look for ways to be more efficient at administering services to our constituents.

The work that my administration has done for our community in our first 2.5 years is only the beginning. I look forward to continuing to serve as the Wayne Township Trustee by helping to improve the lives of all who call Wayne Township home and those who we call our neighbors.

Publisher’s Note: In the interest of public education of local politics and to encourage voting, The Waynedale News offered all of the candidates in the upcoming primary election the opportunity to share their biography and goals for the office that they are running for. This came with the stipulations that they were not allowed to degrade other candidates or current policy, and they were required a minimum advertising budget for The Waynedale News area. Staying true to our non-bias news and positive outlook, we do not endorse or recommend any of the candidates on this page further than any other candidates running for office. But, these are the candidates wanting to be seen by you. Our recommendation is to use these pages as a reference when researching candidates for the upcoming primary election, make educated decisions on who you would like to see in office and most importantly VOTE on May 3 at your predestinated voting location. More information: www.allencountyinvoters.gov

Wayne Township Trustee - Austin Knox

Wayne Township Trustee - Austin Knox

Trustee Austin Knox is a Fort Wayne native who, on January 10, 2020, was unanimously elected trustee at a caucus of Democratic precinct committee leaders of Wayne Township. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer