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On Thursday, May 23, 2019, Girls on the Run of Northeast Indiana (“GOTR-NEI) hosted a 5k Run/Walk event at Purdue Fort Wayne.. Pre-race festivities began at 4:00 pm and the race started at 5:30 pm.

The entire community (men and women) was invited to run or walk. Proceeds benefit GOTR-NEI, and help fund program expenses and support scholarships and financial assistance that make GOTR-NEI accessible to girls in Northeast Indiana.

As the local council of Girls on the Run International, GOTR-NEI serves girls in 3rd-8th grade, hosting ten-week seasons in the spring and the fall of each year. GOTR-NEI participants attend twice-weekly team practices coached by volunteer coaches at over 20 regional locations. At each practice, girls participate in lessons that foster confidence through accomplishment, establish healthy habits, build peer connections, and encourage community service while they train to complete a 5K event. Each girl runs with a “running buddy,” often a family member. Completing the 5K is a tangible example of pursuing and achieving a goal.

GOTR expected over 500 runners, friends and family members at this year’s event. Festivities included a fun Mascot Dash, where more than 12 local sports and community mascots completed a hilariously competitive 50-yard dash. The event also included a DJ, a “happy hair” station for temporary hair color and glitter, a photo booth, and a “bling your bib” station. Costumes, tutus and glitter were encouraged! Runners received a race t-shirt.

“There’s nothing like Girls on the Run,” says Gail Gerber, Board Chair. “The program gives these girls so much confidence and joy. At our 5k, you can see the excitement on everyone’s faces – girls, coaches, running buddies and family. This event is so important, especially because it helps us bring GOTR to more girls in our community.”

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