A Look Back At Our Community In 2019Featured Local NewsSpotlight


(l-r) Assoc. President Walt Halley and Treasurer Tony Landon

Incorporated on January 24th, 1962 and comprised of 385 homes, Lake Shores Community Association, is one of the larger neighborhoods in Waynedale. Airport Expressway divides the lots into an East side with 179 homes and the West side made up of 206 homes. The houses were all built between 1962 and 2017.

The monthly Lake Shores community newsletter shares current news of the neighborhood. This summer, the” Yard of the Month” contest was judged in June, July, August and September. Proud winners, one from each side, earned well-deserved bragging rights and sported a congratulatory sign in their yard until the next winner was announced.

For the past six years, a Christmas Decorating Contest has been offered. East and West Sides both boast three winners. First place is $100; second place is $50 and third is $25. And the best part, in keeping with the Christmas spirit, the money that is awarded goes to each winner’s charity of choice. That is a deal that even Scrooge could appreciate.

President Walt Halley and Treasurer Tony Landon are heavily involved in the smooth running of the Association. Both officers of the board have been residents of Lake Shores for a long time.

Walt and his wife Vicki have raised three children in the 25 years they’ve lived there. Walt has been on the board for 10 years, serving six years as President of the Association. He states “Our goal is to have Lake Shores Community appreciate the feeling of the old days, when neighbors knew each other and watched out for one another. “Very humble about his volunteer efforts which include the St. Mary’s Soup Kitchen, the Franciscan Center and the election polls, Walt spends his little free time hunting and fishing.

Originally a Buckeye, Tony and his wife Patty have resided in Lake Shores for 24 years and have two children. A graduate of Wayne High School and retired from Verizon, Tony maintains the financial documents for the Association and also has the challenging job of upholding the member listing. This is his second stint on the board, serving as Vice President before taking over the treasury in 2015.

The board is comprised of 11 positions including officers. There are additional committee opportunities including publication of the newsletter, a Welcome committee, Signage, and Advertising for their many events. As with many neighborhoods, Lake Shores Community Association always encourages folks to serve a term on the board or volunteer on a committee. Tony elaborates “If you aren’t involved, the strength of YOUR community is left to chance. Get on board: serve, contribute, share ideas, expand your knowledge, network; help create a better, more desirable community.”

Two general meetings are held each year, typically at Avalon Missionary Church West Campus. They feature a guest speaker, refreshments and a drawing for gift cards from Waynedale businesses. Board meetings are held quarterly at the Waynedale library. Both Walt and Tony try to attend SWAP (Southwest Area Partnership) monthly meetings. Additionally, a quarterly meeting among all Fort Wayne neighborhood presidents is also held at Citizens Square.

An Association garage sale is arranged each spring and fall. Tony orchestrates coordinating the dates and Lake Shores hosts it in conjunction with Winterset, Avalon and Lakewood Park neighborhoods, making it quite a large prospect for finding treasures.

As an association, Lake Shores provides opportunities for neighbors to mingle. Outings to the TinCaps, Komets and Christmas at the Castle are just a few examples of past meet and greet occasions. The Great American Clean Up each year offers residents a chance to give back to the community by picking up debris along Airport Expressway. Lake Shores likes to support the Waynedale community when possible. In May, they give each of their residents whose dues have been paid, a $10 gift certificate to use at Broadview Florist.

Another generous opportunity the Association treasury offers is to help offset costs to residents who wish to participate in Fort Wayne City sponsored programs such as the Tree Program and Sidewalk Program, with the caveat that the homeowner’s dues payments are current. The board is also very diligent in applying for improvements to Lake Shores through the City’s Infrastructure Improvement Program.

People often wonder about Stone Lake which some homes in Lake Shores are fortunate to call their back yard. It is privately owned by Stone Lake Development, Inc. so no access to the public is allowed.

With perhaps the most longevity in the association, residents Gary and Betty Markley have spent 41 years in Lake Shores. Gary says “This has always been a clean, quiet community. We enjoy great neighbors and the association is well managed.”

Camille Garrison

Camille Garrison

Camille is a community leader, event organizer, trails supporter and more! After working near Waynedale for just over a year, she knew she wanted to call it home. She loves the friendliness and closeness of the community and have grown to be very passionate about seeing Waynedale prosper. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer