The first news conference I ever held as a candidate for office was at the corner of Lower Huntington Road and Bluffton Road. It was 1987; the intersection was filled with potholes, and suffered from poor drainage and general disrepair. And nobody in downtown Fort Wayne cared.
I told the people of Waynedale that fixing this intersection would be my top priority as the next City Councilman. They believed me, and I was elected to the Fort Wayne City Council in an upset. Soon after that, I helped start a petition from the people of Waynedale to push for the long term repair of the intersection. Hundreds and hundreds of signatures were gathered. It worked. The City put in new drainage and a new road, and the intersection that had been neglected for so long was finally fixed. It was the beginning of a long relationship that I’ve had with this special part of Allen County. Eight years as a City Councilman, and now 20 years as your State Senator. And for 26 years, I’ve written a column in The Waynedale News every two weeks.
I’m now running for re-election, and, like every other time, I believe it’s important to remind the people you represent why you’ve earned the right to be rehired for the job. Here are some of the reasons I believe I’ve earned your vote:
1. Indiana’s economy is thriving.
We are a top 10 state for doing business in nearly every national ratings analysis. We’ve cut taxes and limited government regulations; we’ve created more good paying jobs since the Recession than nearly any other state; and our unemployment rate is the lowest in the Midwest, and among the lowest in America.
2. State government is fiscally responsible.
Indiana has had a balanced budget for well over a decade now. We live within our means, do not waste money, and have a strong reserve fund of nearly $2 billion to protect us from any economic downturns. We’ve cut the personal income tax; lowered the corporate income tax; and eliminated the Death Tax.
3. Education is improving.
Indiana was the first state in the U.S. to get rid of the Common Core standards. We kicked the federal government out of trying to run our schools, and returned to Indiana only standards. We are getting rid of the ISTEP test, so our kids are no longer tested to death, and replacing it with a shorter, smarter test. And we are investing in our schools at record levels. Our children are our future, and getting them the best education possible is a top priority.
4. We are investing in our transportation system.
Over the past ten years, Indiana has poured more money into improving its roads than any other state in the nation on a per capita basis. The Major Moves program brought $4 billion dollars in improvements to our state. All without a tax increase. This year, we decided to invest another $2 billion in state and local roads over the next 2 years…again, without a tax increase and without increasing state debt. No other state can say that.
5. Indiana is a strong right to life state.
I have been endorsed by both Indiana Right to Life and Allen County Right to Life. Under my tenure as the Senate President, our state has become a national leader in the Pro Life movement.
6. Indiana protects the rights of gun owners.
Our state staunchly defends our constitutional right to bear arms. I am personally endorsed by the NRA, which gave me an A+ rating. My opponent received a C.
Indiana remains a great place to live, work, and raise a family. As the Senate leader, and a proud Conservative, I believe I have had a role in making sure our state is growing and getting stronger. At the same time, I know where I come from, and have never forgotten my roots or the people I represent.
I believe I can make a very good argument for winning another term in the Senate, and I humbly ask for the support of the people of Waynedale and southwest Fort Wayne on Tuesday, May 3rd.
Senator David Long
Publisher’s Note: In the interest of public education of local politics and to encourage voting, The Waynedale News offered all of the candidates in the upcoming primary election the opportunity to share their biography and goals for the office that they are running for. This came with the stipulations that they were not allowed to degrade other candidates or current policy, and they were required a minimum advertising budget for The Waynedale News area. Staying true to our non-bias news and positive outlook, we do not endorse or recommend any of the referendums or candidates on this page further than any other candidates running for office. But these are the candidates wanting to be seen by you. Our recommendation is to use this page as a reference when researching candidates for the upcoming primary election, make educated decisions on who you would like to see in office and most importantly VOTE on May 3rd at your predestinated voting location. More information about the upcoming elections can be found online at www.allencounty.us/election-board.
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