I really enjoyed visiting with Waynedale residents at the 82nd anniversary celebration of The Waynedale News on Friday, September 12. I had a chance to visit with some really special people, both readers and writers. The food was great! Hopefully there will be another 82 years for the newspaper!
Let’s have some fun today! I have taken some parts of my older articles and changed the spelling of some words. Try to come up with the correct spelling of the words. The answers are at the bottom of the article.
1. He who opens a school door, closes a sonpir.
2. Be careful to avoid non-sufficient dufn sefe.
3. Housing takes a large portion of ones comein.
4. Our Investigators work with clients to create zedindualdivi budgets.
5. We attempt to improve basic skills, to increase mentployem possibility.
6. We provide weekly skills training ssclaes.
7. Like some class members, I never thought I would be without a bjo.
8. You must have plinedicsi to be successful.
9. We sometimes discuss grean in our Orientation Class.
10. It is very important for clients to request assistance in a lyetim manner.
11. Clean vents or gisreerst.
12. Clients are advised to use free xta parapreiont services.
13. When coming in for a visit bring a boko to read.
14. It is great for one to recappitae the simple things in life.
15. I feel strongly that obtaining education is a large factor in reducing tyerpov.
16. Today’s clients provide a variety of services for onn-fitpro agencies.
17. Some clients have gotten jobs at the agencies where they worked through the Workfare graProm.
18. It’s always special to get together with a oupgr of family and friends.
19. Don’t let lsbil pile up.
20. A parade brings us thergeto.
21. I loved dingear.
22. Playing with guns have imelifet ramifications.
23. There is nothing romantic about rcime.
24. Old friends are treasure chests of dfno memories.
25. Assistance to Indpeenceend.
1.prison; 2.fund fees; 3. income; 4 individualized; 5. employment; 6. classes; 7. job; 8.discipline; 9. anger; 10. timely; 11. registers; 12. tax preparation; 13. book, 14. appreciate; 15. poverty; 16. non-profit; 17. Program; 18.group; 19. Bills; 20. Together; 21 reading; 22.lifetime; 23. crime; 24. fond; 25. Independence.
I hope you enjoyed the above “fun activity”. Try doing one yourself, with some of your friends or family members.
Richard A. Stevenson, Sr.
Wayne Township Trustee
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