In this discussion of Army Training and Education Opportunities, I’d first like to take an opportunity to thank active members and veterans of the U.S. Military, for their service to our country. I’d also like to acknowledge and thank military family members and others who provide support to members and veterans of the military.
The U.S. Military is a global operation with recruits living in places such as Europe, Japan, Hawaii, Alaska, and across the United States. Individuals can learn a trade and acquire experience in a trade or field while in the military.
Carolyn J. Moore, Sergeant First Class of the United States Army, has made several presentations to our Employment Training Class to discuss the Army and its skilled training and education opportunities. The first question from the audience during one presentation was, “Why should I join the military?” Sergeant Moore paused and with a firm look launched into at least thirty reasons why a military career should be given serious thought. Sergeant Moore has a 30-year Army career, and considers education as one of the top ten reasons to consider a military career. It’s a good place to learn a skill, gain experience, and then use that skill or trade when returning to civilian life.
Sergeant Moore explained that the Army offers a wide range of educational opportunities. There is training for more than 150 career choices, such as computer operations, mechanics, aviation, electronics, journalism, food service, and dental, X-ray and medical lab specialties. Electric Bass Guitar Play, Imagery Analyst, Human Intelligence Collector, and Parachute Rigger are Army Military Occupational Specialties. Training and education benefits can be geared toward a person’s lifestyle and career goals.
After considering today’s economy and job market, some choose the Army and Army Reserve as a way of earning a living, obtaining a college degree, and serving their country. The military offers programs such as the recent Montgomery G.I. Bill and the Post 9/11 G.I. Bill, which assist in paying for, or offsetting college costs such as tuition, housing, and books. The programs are intended to help veterans readjust to civilian life following service to their country, and to encourage motivated men and women to volunteer for military duty.
Some education assistance programs have special provisions that allow immediate family members to use service member’s education benefits towards the costs of their education.
I have learned that beneficiaries of the GI Bill include former Presidents George H. W. Bush and Gerald R. Ford; former Vice President Albert Gore Jr.; former Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist and former Justice John Paul Stevens, both of the U.S. Supreme Court; former Secretary of State Warren M. Christopher; journalists David Brinkley and John Chancellor; actors Clint Eastwood, Paul Newman, and Jason Robards Jr.; former Dallas Cowboys football coach Tom Landry; and some of my family and friends. These examples provide a wide array of occupations.
Like many of you, I graduated from high school and I wasn’t sure what my profession would be. I had no idea of what the Army offered relating to education. As I listened to one of Sergeant Moore’s presentations, I envisioned myself as an accounting specialist because I love working with numbers, and also as a guitar player because playing guitar is a hobby of mine. Sergeant Moore’s insight and experience has been helpful in explaining Army education and career opportunities to our clients. For more information on military training and education opportunities, email U.S. Army Recruiter Carolyn Moore at and go to websites and
Richard A. Stevenson, Sr.
Wayne Township Trustee
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