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WHEN GOD SMILED Patti was a single mom with two children, Angel 15 and Max 7. They were a close-knit family and always stuck together as good Christians. Jesus meant a lot to them. Just three years ago, Max was diagnosed with an advanced form of cancer and was given only a couple years to live. He had out lived the prognosis by one year. The symptoms were showing and it was obvious his days were numbered. About six months later, Max indeed passed away.

Patti and Angel were there with him when he breathed his last. It was all very peaceful. Patti had prayed that her son would go quietly. It was at this point Angel became furious at God. She felt God had been cruel to let his happen to Max. Max was her best friend. Patti didn’t know what to do, aside from praying, sympathizing and loving her daughter, Angel.

The funeral was held at their church. Angel continued to be angry with the Lord. She said out loud, when no one could hear her, “God, if Max is in heaven, show me a rainbow!” Upon return from the service, Angel ran to her upstairs room, threw herself on the bed and sobbed uncontrollably.

Meanwhile, Patti stepped outside the house to get a breath of fresh air and a fresh perspective on this tragedy. It had just rained. All the plants and trees appeared to be decorated with tear drops. The sun came out and there in the sky was a magnificent rainbow. All the colors were bright and distinct. Patti, completely awed by this spectacle, called to her daughter. “Angel, Angel, look out the window!” Angel reaching in an open window, leaned out and sarcastically said, “What am I supposed to see mom?” As she peered out the window, she spotted the clear, bright rainbow right over the house!

“Oh, mom!” she cried out and with that she raced down the stairway, out through the open door and fell into her mother’s arms. “I hated God for taking Max,” she tried to say through her sobs. “I said, if you’re there God and Max is in heaven, show me a rainbow!” Mother and daughter held on tight to each other. And God smiled.

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Hal Vizino

A resident of Winterset Neighborhood Association, he is excellent artist & story teller. Hal author's a children's column in the newspaper. He became interested in writing children's stories and dedicating them to his four granddaughters. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer