Chili and Dessert Cook-off Wednesday, February 2
Bring a crockpot of chili and/or a dessert to share and be judged. Please bring your own table service (bowl, utensils, and drink).
All Scout Roundtables are held at 7:00 PM the first Wednesday of every month at Waynedale United Methodist Church, 2501 Church Street, here in Waynedale.
The forms for the awards to be given at the District Dinner have now been posted on the Miami District web page. This includes all levels of adult leadership as well as the Unit Scouter Awards.
Please take the time to nominate your fellow leaders for all the hard work they do for Scouting. Also please mark your calendar so that you can attend the Miami District Awards Dinner on February 20, 2011.
All nomination forms and the reservation form for the district dinner are posted on the Miami District web page at:
WHO? – All Miami district Scouters and Spouses
WHAT? – Recognize the volunteer Scouters of the Miami and District/Fellowship with other Scouters.
WHEN? – Sunday, February 20, 2011 at 5 PM – Gathering at 4:30 PM
WHERE? – Calvary United Methodist Church – 6301 Winchester Rd.
(Corner of Winchester Road and Airport Express Wayne)
COST? – $15 per person (Pre-register by Friday, Feb. 11, 2011)
Babysitting is available for a $2 donation per child. We require at least 5 children to be present. You must RSVP to Shannon Bleakney at 747-9394 by the Tuesday before Roundtable.
Dear Friends,
Like most people, you probably purchase or subscribe to many magazines. Now, you can order those favorite publications from our Girl Scout Council. You save up to 85% off of newsstand prices and our Council will earn 40-cents of every subscription dollar.
You may order new subscriptions, extend or renew existing ones, or even order magazines as gifts for friends or relatives. If you’re going to buy magazines, please allow Girl Scouts to benefit from your purchases, and you save money too.
Just call Girl Scout Troop 20937 here in Waynedale at 260-747-0937 and have them send you the information on how you too can save money on your favorite magazine subscriptions.
Thank you for helping us.
Girl Scouts
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