Well, it’s that time of the year again for colds and flues. Most of us have gotten flu shots but those of you who have not, or don’t believe in them, then you need to make sure that your immune system is working at full potential. The first thing you need to do is make sure you have a strong immune system. In order to do this you must first concentrate on your diet. It is important to avoid a diet high in fat and refined processed foods for they can suppress the immune system. A good diet would include foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables with nuts, seeds, grains, and other foods high in fiber. Avoid animal products (except for fish), processed foods, sugar, soda, smoking, caffeine, and alcohol. Also avoid marijuana use due to facts stating that it makes white blood cells 35 to 40 percent less effective than normal. Once a well balanced diet is establishes it is good to exercise often with more cardio than weights, but don’t over do it. Also try to maintain a positive look on life, laugh a little, because it is a proven fact that a positive mind enhances immune function.
Because our bodies cannot get all the nutrients we need it is recommended to take nutritional supplements. Here is a good combination of supplements and dosages one should be taking: Co Q 10 (100mg daily), Essential Fatty Acids (fish oil see label), amino acids, garlic (2 capsules 3x/day), kelp (2000-3000mg/day), L-Arginine, manganese (2mg/day), a good multivitamin (non-synthetic ex not “One A Day®”), proteolytic enzymes, quercetin, Vitamin A (10,000 iu/day), Vitamin B complex (100mg 3x/day), Vitamin C with bioflavonoid (quercetin) (5,000-20,000mg/day), Vitamin E (400iu/day in d-alpha-tocopherol form no dl-alpha-tocopherol), Zinc (no more than 50-80mg/day) plus 3mg copper/day, and selenium (200mcg/day but if pregnant no more than 40mcg/day).
Some herbs such as Echinacea, astragalus, licorice root, goldenseal, and hawthorn are all known to enhance the immune system. Other than that you should include glyco-nutrients in order to boost the over-all efficiency of your immune system. By following these above recommendations, your immune system should be at full capacity and the chances of getting sick again will be almost zero.
So until next time, I am Dr. James P. Nill, D.C.
Take care and have a healthy day.
If you or anyone you know has any questions or would like to know more of what I can do for you, then give me a call to set up your free initial consultation. Again please contact me by phone at 260-459-2205 or by e-mail at If you have any questions or if you want to come in for the free consultation, the address is; Nill Family Chiropractic and Wellness Center at 4656 W. Jefferson Blvd., Suite 240, Fort Wayne, IN 46804. References: Balch P., & Balch J. Prescription for Nutritional Healing Avery: 2000. pp. 679-684.
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