Waynedale Political Commentaries


Richard A. StevensonI am especially excited about this year’s Healthy Cities Health Fair and Veterans’ Stand Down on Friday, October 22, at my office, 320 East Superior Street. On that day, we will be celebrating the Twentieth Anniversary of this great event, which the Wayne Township Trustee’s Office has hosted for the past several years.

While the Trustee’s Office was not the original site for the fair twenty years ago, I am proud that my office has become an integral partner with the Healthy Cities Committee and Veterans’ Administration of Northern Indiana in planning and implementing the Health Fair and Stand Down. Last year, the Health Fair and Stand Down provided much-needed free health screenings and health care to over 800 veterans and uninsured and underinsured adult residents of our community.

On the day of the Health Fair and Stand Down, the entire Wayne Township Trustee’s office is turned into a health care facility, a huge undertaking for my staff and the organizations with which we partner. The doors will open at 7:30 a.m. for health care services, with a Welcoming Ceremony and Twentieth Anniversary Celebration planned for 8:30 a.m. We are honored this year to be able to host several dignitaries at the Ceremony, including persons who were involved in the first Health Fair.

Among the services offered are various types of medical screenings, dental and eye care, adult immunizations including flu shots, cancer services including mammograms and mental health screenings. The event will conclude at 3:30 p.m.

In addition to health services, participants are offered donated winter coats and winter clothing for themselves and their families, a free hot lunch, free hair cuts and personal hygiene items. Special services also are offered for veterans including veterans’ benefits counseling.

A coat and winter clothing drive currently is being conducted by my office. If you have a coat or coats you can donate, please bring them to my office or call us at 449-7000 for pickup of ten or more coats. We also accept hats, gloves and boots. We will make sure your donated items get to those who need them.

As more and more persons lose their medical insurance or see their benefits reduced, the Health Fair and Stand Down has become an important part of participants’ medical care. If you are among the many persons who need the medical services we offer at the Health Fair and Stand Down, don’t hesitate to participate.

Information flyers are available at my office, as well as several other locations throughout our community. We provide the services to anyone who needs them, including those who are homeless.

All of the health care services at the Health Fair and Stand Down are donated or obtained through grants.

Many local organizations and individuals volunteer their services and medical supplies to make the Health Fair and Stand Down a success. Among the participating organizations are local hospitals, schools, universities, churches, Board of Health, health care clinics, veterans’ organizations, businesses, organized labor and numerous civic organizations.

I am so thankful for the many persons and groups who volunteer so much of their time and resources to make the Health Fair and Stand Down a success. The Health Fair and Stand Down is an event which demonstrates the caring spirit of our community.


Richard A. Stevenson, Sr.

Wayne Township Trustee

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Richard A. Stevenson - Wayne Township Trustee

Wayne Township Trustee Rick Stevenson was elected Trustee in November of 2006 and took office in January of 2007. He is very passionate about helping those in need and considers it a privilege to be in a position to be able to help. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer