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(Tatiana’s story continues)


Tatiana was getting older almost ninety. It was more difficult for her to get around the apartment. In addition, her hearing wasn’t as good and she needed thick glasses to be able to read the Russian newspapers she loved so much.

Her day always started with time to pray and read her Russian bible, usually in front of the fire. She was so thankful for friends and especially Ivan, a young man who took a liking to Tatiana and brought her wood for the fire. He saw to it that she had everything she needed. It was always good to see him and talk about the news of the day. She missed her three children who were all dancers. Igor who was now approaching 40, still was dancing with the Cincinnati Ballet Company. He and his half brother Rudolf, with the Pittsburgh Ballet, got together once in a while to talk a little Russian and reminisce about their childhood in Russia. They loved their mother Tatiana very much. Natalia, the oldest of the three, was in her 40’s and continued to teach children ballet. She had several students who had studied with her for quite a few years. Some of the older students were now dancing professionally and doing very well.

Tatiana was lonely living by herself. Her cat, Jete (to jump), was always sitting at her side and that provided comfort. Her aging body would not allow her to do things she did before. She even had to use a cane to walk about. Her friend, Nadia, who lived in the same apartment building and was younger than her, would stop every now and then for a cup of tea. Sometimes they would take the streetcar and attend an afternoon ballet performance. A night performance was out of the question. It was too hard to get to the theater and there was always the trip home in the dark.

Another thing that bothered her was that she was forgetting little things. Sometimes she would forget to put the key to the room of reminiscence in the secret drawer and leave it sitting on the kitchen table. Poor Tatiana, her quality of life was not so good these days. In spite of everything, she was always praising the Lord for all His goodness. She and her beloved Sergio had both asked Jesus into their hearts just before their marriage. She wouldn’t know how to live her life without the Lord.

Best of all, she thanked the Lord for her room of reminiscence. She was going there more often now. It just did her heart good to be in the room and think about all the wonderful performances she and Sergio had experienced. She missed him calling her “Tati.” Several ballets were her favorites: Swan Lake, The Nutcracker, and Sleeping Beauty. Sometimes she would push a chair into the room and just sit with all the toe shoes and slippers hanging over her head. She knew each one of them but was getting somewhat uncertain about the details of each ballet.

One ballet she remembered well was Giselle. It’s a story of a weak-hearted girl, named Giselle who falls madly in love with Prince Albrecht, a nobleman, who is already engaged to a noblewoman. Captivated by Giselle’s beauty and innocence, Albrecht disguises himself as a peasant. When Giselle finds the disguised Prince Albrecht is already betrothed, distraught and horrified. Giselle dies of a broken heart at the end of the first act. Tatiana was so thrilled to dance the lead along with Sergio as Prince Albrecht. To be continued.

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Hal Vizino

A resident of Winterset Neighborhood Association, he is excellent artist & story teller. Hal author's a children's column in the newspaper. He became interested in writing children's stories and dedicating them to his four granddaughters. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer