The Great Outdoors


People never think of cooking a deer ‘ham’ in its entirety; they only associate the word ham with one of the hindquarters from a pig/hog and most likely it’s been cured. I have an older brother who likes to take a whole fresh deer hindquarter (ham) and bake it overnight in the oven.

His favorite way of consuming it is to slice it thin and make sandwiches using only bread and mayonnaise and maybe a little horseradish or Horsey Sauce.

Here’s the way I saw him do it. Personally I like deer hindquarters sliced into round steaks because I love steak and gravy but then this is a good distraction and a way to stretch the meat and the bone can be used to season a pot of beans later on.




1 hind leg of a deer
lots of garlic cloves (peeled)
Aluminum foil
salt & pepper to taste


Cut slits in the meat all over. Insert garlic cloves into the slits – the more garlic the better the flavor I always say. Salt and pepper the outside of the ham. Double wrap it in heavy-duty aluminum foil. Put the wrapped leg of venison in a pan to catch any drippings and bake it at 250 degrees overnight in the oven – probably 6 to 8 hours or until you can’t stand it any longer.

Once you start smelling the wonderful aromas wafting from your oven, you can pretty well bet that it’s time to open the foil and taste test. If the juices are not running clear then rewrap the leg and bake for another hour and then test again.

The sliced meat can be packaged and frozen for use later on.

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