The Great Outdoors

SCOUTING AROUND with Troop 344

(A retraction)



RE: October 7th issue of THE WAYNEDALE NEWS – Boy Scout Troop #344 is planning a trip to visit a submarine in Muskegon, Michigan in 2010 but they are only taking reservations and money from members of their own troop at this time and not from other troops or the general public. I’m sorry if the information has caused any problems.

Troop 38 Making Plans For Comeback

It was announced recently that Troop 38, sponsored by Calvary United Methodist Church at 6301 Winchester, will be starting up again soon and Jeremy Capatina will be taking on the role of Scoutmaster. Keri Roby will be an Assistant Scoutmaster. The Troop is planning an OPEN HOUSE on Monday, October 26, 2009 at 6:30PM. All boys from ages 11 to 17 are invited to come in and talk Scouting. Adults and parents interested in helping with the troop or learning what Scouting has to offer are invited to attend.

Fall Camporee At Ouabache A Success

Shannon Bleakney, CubMaster for Cub Scout Pack 3322 said there were approximately 75 adults and boys attending the Fall Camporee at Ouabache State Park over the first weekend in October. Troops attending were: 349, 344, 33, 22, and 365. Cub Packs attending were 3322, 3344, 3365, and 3313. Soon to be Troop 38 was represented by the newly appointed Scoutmaster and the Assistant. The theme for the camp out was Orienteering. Every group received a participation ribbon to display on the top of their flagstaffs.


Boy Scout Troop 344 Earns IDEAL CAMPSITE AWARD At Fall Camporee


Troop 344, sponsored by Waynedale United Methodist Church, 2501 Church Street, received a ribbon as a reward for THE IDEAL CAMPSITE at the 2009 Fall Camporee held at Ouabache State Park held the first weekend in October.

Boys representing the troop were: Hijiri Baker, Patrick Boisvert, Alvaro Caro, Wm. Daniel Cash, James Cash, Tyler Davis, John Dukarski, Rob Dukarski, Michael Estevez, Alex Jones, Walker Long, Mattthew Magana, Conner Minns, Ian Newton, Joe Osterman, Cory Shadle, Alex Taylor, Mason Thomas, Andrew Verhey, and Vince Watkins. Adults attending with Troop 344 were: Andy Dukarski, Doni Dukarski, Dave Rowe, and Kevin Shadle.

During the Camporee some of the campers took a 5-mile hike as part of the requirement for advancement or just for the fun of it. The boys completing the trek were: Patrick Boisvert, Alex Jones, Walker Long, Matthew Magana, Conner Minns, Cory Shadle, Andrew Verhey, Tyler Davis, Michael Estevez, Ian Newton, Mason Thomas, and Vince Watkins. Webelos Scouts: completing the trek were Sam Mathews, Patrick Pommer, Tyler Spare, and Chase Thomas. Adults to be commended for completing the hike were Doni Dukarski, Kevin Shadle, Andrea Pommer, David Spare, and Jaime Thomas.

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