Health & Exercise


Marcy Long of the Hair Company sits back and relaxes as Lois Skelly from Sole Energy activates the relaxing and healing footbath.
Marcy Long of the Hair Company sits back and relaxes as Lois Skelly from Sole Energy activates the relaxing and healing footbath.
Lois Skelly, owner of Sole Energy on Lower Huntington Road, came to Fort Wayne in the 70s to work for Central Soya.She worked in Acquisitions until that department was moved elsewhere. She then worked for awhile as a Kelly Girl and later took a job with the Cole & Raker Company where she still works part time.

Skelly’s sister-in-law told her about an Ionic Detox Footbath that she had tried and said that it had worked wonders for her. Skelly gave the footbath a try and liked it so much she decided to start her own company. She opened her business on November 15, 2007.

Of course, it’s not just a footbath the machine is produced by a company called Aqua Chi, Aqua meaning water and Chi meaning energy, which is what inspired Skelly to name her company Sole Energy.

I visited Skelly on Monday, September 29, to get a first hand view of how the equipment worked.

Marcy Long, an employee of the Hair Company was there for a treatment. Marcy sat back in a comfortable chair and did some accounting homework, as Skelly set up the equipment.

As the procedure began the water in the footbath started turning an orange color. Skelly explained that as you put your feet in the water millions of ions enter your body and begin to neutralize tissue and acid wastes. Fat and mucous residues found in the water after the footbath reflect the wastes that have left the body during the 35-minute session.

The footbath creates a bio-electric field enhancement, increasing your body’s natural ability to heal.

Skelly said, “It is like bathing in your own naturally charged hot water spring.”

According to the company’s literature, the footbath should decrease all sorts of pain, increase energy, decrease cravings, provide headache relief and leave you more rested. Of course, after reading the literature and listening to the testimonial from Marcy Long, I had to try it for myself.

Kelly said, “Place your feet in the water and relax.”

I did as I was told and as the procedure continued the footbath water turned a yucky orange and black. After thirty-five minutes, Skelly rinsed my feet, applied a soothing lotion and sent me on my way.

The Aqua Chi machine is an FDA approved medical device and Skelly is trying to get the word out about her new Waynedale business. Call Lois Skelly for your Sole Energy footbath at 312-0720, located at 2501 Lower Huntington Road. Gift certificates are available. I felt very relaxed after the treatment.

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