Waynedale Political Commentaries


Wayne Township has risen to the top of these sluggish economic times. We have worked with local agencies trying to reduce rising unemployment, high utility costs and a sluggish local economy. We have all contributed to the dire situation facing our community. Since the township also receives a major portion of its revenue from property taxes, the delay in reassessment has kept us, as well as, the other taxing entities, without working capitol until February of 2004. As if all that weren’t enough, township assistance is up 65 percent. The numbers from last year went from 12,000 applications to 10,170 already this year. We are seeing a lot of middle-class families, people who have never requested assistance in the past.

Indiana statutes allow townships to pay only basic necessities (as defined by the law) this can be confusing to new applicants who often believe the township can help them maintain a lifestyle their means can no longer support. Townships were designed to help in emergencies and when no other help is available.

As trustee it is my job to spot trends and be prepared for situations like this, and that’s why we created a “Rainy Day Fund” to offset emergencies. This fund would have kept us from borrowing money had we received our designated portion of tax monies, but no one could have predicted the reassessment debacle facing all of Allen County.

The Indiana statutes also have in place a system that provides for the welfare of township clients in the case of unforeseen fiscal emergencies, which brings us to where we are today.

We are continuing to plan ahead here at our office by keeping pace with rising costs for utilities and shelter costs. We have implemented a number of policies designed to return dividends from those who have property or other means of repayment. We will also look more closely for those who may be taking advantage of the system and those who will not look for work.

Ultimately it is the responsibility of the trustee to find the balance between the dual roles as guardian of the taxpayer and advocate for the poor.

The Waynedale News Staff

Matthew Schomburg

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