The Great Outdoors


Fall Preparations

by Nathan Smith


Isn’t autumn wonderful- the changing colors, the cooler weather, and the reality that a hard long summer has passed? But you hate to see summer go, those pretty flowers and hanging baskets, planters and perennial beds, all reduced to a brown mess. There’s no reason to let fall frost ruin your share of color and lush plants. So what can you do to spruce up your beds? Garden mums are great with quick color, lots of size and are virtually carefree. Also showing great fall color are kale, flowering cabbage, ornamental grasses, and sedum. Keep them in full force by watering thoroughly and planting them immediately. The sooner they go in the ground, the more likely they are to come up next year.

But maybe you have bought some tropical plants such as Hibiscus or Bougainvillea vines. What do you do with them now? You probably don’t have enough room in your house for their grandiose size and the indoor climate of your home is less than ideal. For large patio plants, you should consider storing them over winter in a local greenhouse. At Aesthetic Plant Specialists, they can provide winter storage for your special plant. Give them a call at 747-7389!


Nathan Smith, B.Sc. is the Marketing Coordinator for Aesthetic Plant Specialists located on Smith Rd., Waynedale. Aesthetic Plant Specialists caters to businesses for all their Seasonal Blooming Plants * Container Gardening * Interior Plantscaping

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Nathan Smith

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