Waynedale Political Commentaries


How about those Hoosiers? The recent NCAA run of the IU basketball team was certainly amazing. I think even a strong Purdue fan or someone who isn’t much of a basketball fan at all would have to agree that IU’s team played up to and probably beyond their potential. Kudos also to Bishop Luers’ ladies’ basketball team! The Lady Knights were the champions in their division in the state tournament and, like the IU men’s team, won not only because of their athletic skills but also because of their dedication to the cause. Nice job!!

Speaking of nice jobs I should also mention that I’ve been receiving only a few calls regarding missed garbage pickups-a considerable improvement from 2 or 3 years ago. The statistics for 2001 show that only 1/2 of 1 percent of all of the over 4 million garbage and recycling pickups for 2001 were reported as missed. National Servall has, with the support of Fort Wayne City government, established what appears to me to be a well-organized quality control system. Servall and the City Solid Waste Dept. headed by Dawn Ritchie are tracking reports of missed pickups and alerting garbage truck drivers ASAP so the problem can be corrected. Sometimes statistics don’t tell the whole story so be sure to let me know if you’ve experienced any garbage collection problems that haven’t been resolved. Also, as I mentioned in a recent column, Fort Wayne has an excellent recycling program. The more we put in those brown and yellow recycling bins the less goes into our landfills which should be good for Fort Wayne’s citizens now and in the future.

City Council is currently discussing a proposed ordinance that would fund the hiring of a consultant to manage both Fort Wayne’s water filtration plant and the sewage treatment plant. The “privatization” of city utilities management would still be monitored closely by city representatives. This approach is billed by its supporters as a method to inject more competitive spirit and more efficiency into city utilities management. That makes sense. I was the only city councilman to express any reservations about this approach when it was discussed at a recent Council meeting. One of my concerns is that private management may not have the dedication to protecting our water and sewage treatment plants and their operation to the extent that would be true for managers who are city employees. On the other hand, the system in place to monitor and supervise the private company involved seems fairly solid. I’m interested in your input regarding this concept. I still have some investigation to do. Let me know your thoughts.

A couple of other items: First, I want to emphasize that I firmly believe that all of the improvements in the traffic signals at the Lower Huntington Road/Bluffton intersection originally planned should definitely be put in place. Every now and then I receive a call from someone in the Waynedale area asking for those improvements to be completed. It’s fine to call or write me about that issue but you’re “preaching to the choir” when you do since I already believe that improved traffic signals and dedicated turn lanes are needed. My recommendations: Write or call the Mayor’s office (427-1111) and express your opinion. City traffic engineers have agreed only to lower speed limits and straighten out the lanes at that intersection. If the Mayor decides to require a full upgrade of turn lanes and traffic signals then it will happen. I’m lobbying the Mayor-you should too. Another reminder-if you find any unfilled potholes in the area be sure to contact the “pothole hot line” at 427-1235 and Street Commissioner Bob Kennedy-a Lake Shores resident-and his team-will get the job done! Be sure to give me a call with any concerns or suggestions regarding matters of importance to the 4th councilmanic district and the citizens of Fort Wayne and the Waynedale—Indian Village area!


Tom Hayhurst
4th Dist. City Council

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Tom Hayhurst

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