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Family 5K To Raise Awareness For Infant Health

Healthier Moms and Babies will host their 6th annual Diaper Dash walk/run to raise awareness for their mission of preventing infant mortality and improving the outcome of pregnancy in Allen County. Healthier Moms and Babies aims to increase prenatal health education with our community’s most vulnerable families to reduce infant mortality in Fort Wayne and the surrounding areas.

Saturday, September 10, 2022 from 8:30am to 11am Healthier Moms and Babies will be hosting their 6th annual Diaper Dash walk/run at the Parkview YMCA, 10001 Dawson’s Creek Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN 46825. Runners will leave from the YMCA pavilion and race down Dawson’s Creek Blvd, picking up along the Pufferbelly Trail. Participants are encouraged to bring a donation of diapers and wipes or donate with cash, check, or card. There will be volunteers to help you through an online card payment on the morning of our event—or you can donate anytime at healthiermomsandbabies.org/donate. Healthier Moms and Babies helps provide diapers and wipes to families in need.

The event will begin with a brief overview of the work Healthier Moms and Babies provides in the community. Immediately following the race, winners in varying age categories will be awarded medals. There will be day of registration which ends at 8:00. Visit healthiermomsandbabies.org or runsignup.com/Race/IN/FortWayne/DiaperDash5KFamilyRunWalk

Healthier Moms and Babies offers a Healthy Start, Nurse Family Partnership, DadUp, Own Your Journey, Cribs for Kids, and maternal mental health services to low income, at-risk pregnant women, fathers, and their families. Nurses and case managers walk side by side our moms, advocating and supporting them every step of the way and beyond. Through these programs, Healthier Moms and Babies aims to reduce infant mortality and improve pregnancy outcomes in Allen County. Last year, they saw over 250 babies born and served over 1,000 families. Every home visit, safe sleep lesson, pack-n-play, diaper, prenatal education session, and support group meeting are crucial steps in helping women we serve have the best possible birth outcome.

The Diaper Dash was made possible by the following sponsors: Lutheran Health Network, American Electric Power Foundation, Enfamil, Fort Wayne Pediatrics, MDWise, MHS, Old National Bank, Women’s Health Advantage, Mainstay, OmniSource/SDI, Master Spas, MKM Architecture and Design, Stewart, Brimner, Peters & Co., Inc, Barret McNagny. A special thanks to Prairie Farms Dairy, Trader Joes, and Ellison Bakery for providing snacks for our participants.

For more information visit www.healthiermomsandbabies.org or call 260-469-4076

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