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Grants To Preserve Local History Across Indiana

The DNR Division of Historic Preservation & Archaeology (DHPA) plans to award 15 federal Historic Preservation Fund grants totaling more than $575,000 for historic preservation and archaeology projects in Indiana communities. In most cases, these grants require at least a dollar-for-dollar match of local or private funds, though many exceed that threshold. In total these grants will spur a total projected investment of $1.8 million in these important cultural resource projects.

Funding comes from the National Park Service, a unit of the U.S. Department of the Interior, which distributes federal funds to the states through its Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) Program. These are federal projects, so consulting parties have an opportunity to comment on the project under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (54 U.S.C. § 306108) and 36 C.F.R. Part 800. The proposed scope of work has been reviewed by DNR’s historic preservation staff and determined the projects will have no adverse effect on historic properties. To become a consulting party or provide public comments for any of the projects listed below, contact associate grants manager Malia Vanaman by June 6 at mvanaman@dnr.IN.gov and specify the projects you want to consult on. Further information will be provided.

Fort Wayne: The City of Fort Wayne will receive $6,631 in grant funds to prepare a nomination to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) for the Shawnee Historic District, which includes approximately 135 contributing properties. The neighborhood was mainly built by Wildwood Builders and the design team of Joel Ninde and Grace Crosby, two of the earliest women architects and developers in Indiana. The project will also create a walking tour brochure for the Kensington Boulevard Historic District. For information on this project, contact Don Orban at 260-427-2160.

Huntington: The City of Huntington will receive a $50,000 grant to assist with the rehabilitation of the WPA Water Race in Memorial Park. The stone race channel walls run about 490 linear feet, are approximately 16 inches thick, and range from 3 to 5 feet high, while the channel ranges from 8 to 12 feet wide. The race is in poor condition, with several places that have collapsed due to hydraulic forces, freeze-thaw cycles, undercutting, and vegetation growth. Engineering plans and specifications will guide cleaning, repointing walls that retain integrity, constructing curbs below undermined walls, reconstructing failed sections of wall with salvaged stone, and removing the concrete lining at the downstream end to replace it with native glacial stone. For more information on this project, contact Bryn Keplinger at 260-356-5146.

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