Original Leisure & Entertainment


Swaddling Clothes
At this time of year thoughts turn to the birth of a child over 2000 years ago. There is a textile associated with the birth with far reaching implications than I had ever known. According to Luke Chapter 2 verse 7, “And she gave birth to her first-born son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths…”
What exactly is “swaddling cloths”? A few years ago on Christmas Eve I was watching a late night television program featuring Actor and Laertare medalist Martin Sheen. I don’t recall to whom he posed the question, but the authority on the subject explains to him the significance of swaddling cloths.  
2000 years ago people took swaddling cloths, strips of fabric with them when they traveled. If they should happen to die, the swaddling cloth would be used to wrap the deceased. One can understand Joseph and Mary carrying such cloth with them considering Mary being heavy with child.
I ponder this every Christmas. How foretelling! At the time of His birth and death He is wrapped in swaddling cloths. He sleeps in a wooden manager to fall asleep on a wooden cross.
These thoughts keep rambling in my head, so I’m in the process of creating a song about them. It’s kind of jazzy blues.  Perfect for me-I don’t have to sing it in key!
The refrain goes:
Swaddling clothes swaddling clothes
bind that Baby from head to tiny toes.
From His first breath
and at His death,
Our Savior’s wrapped in swaddling clothes.
The verses are unfinished. They will come with time.
Let the joy of the season be with you throughout the year!

Open House at the Born Again Quilts studio
124 W. Wayne St (upstairs) on Saturday
December 18 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Vintage Quilts, Quilt Tops, Textiles & Sewing Accessories

Lois Levihn

She is the author of the "Around the Frame" quilting column. She is a graduate of Wayne HS. Quilts have always been important to her, she loves the stories surrounding them, the techniques used in making them, & restoring them. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer