Local Opinion Editorials


REV. THOMASMy hero, and perhaps yours also if you are old enough to remember, never smoked, used drugs, bad language or had bad manners. He was a good friend to all who had the pleasure of knowing him.

I had a most wonderful time growing up and going to the movies with my buddies at the Rialto Theater on Calhoun Street. Every Saturday there was an hour of cartoons followed by a double feature western.

One time I took my cap pistol and a couple rolls of caps to the movie with me. All I wanted to do was to help protect my hero from harm. When some bad guys were shooting at him, I pulled out my brand new cap pistol and let them have it. I shot up a whole roll of caps. The theater was full of gun smoke from my blasting away at the bad guys. I saved the day and my hero.

Happy Trails to You, my friends, and to you, my hero – Roy Rogers.

Blessings of love and respect,

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Rev. Thomas “Dancing Feather” Ebbing

He was born & raised in Ft. Wayne is of Mohawk Indian ancestry. Dancing Feather is an ordained Christian minister & he have been a teacher of the Native American Medicine Wheel for over 20 years. He writes the "Smoke on the Wind" column in the newspaper. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer