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Rev. Thomas Dancing FeatherI like what someone told me about The Bible. B is for Basic, I is for Instructions, B is for Before, L is for Leaving, E is for Earth.

Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.

That is a wonderful instruction book and the instructions are simple and easy to follow.

Jesus said, “Love One Another.” It’s in The Book. Well, that may not be so easy. However, keep at the instructions found in the book and we will get the job done before leaving, OK?


I Love You!

Dancing Feather.

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Rev. Thomas “Dancing Feather” Ebbing

He was born & raised in Ft. Wayne is of Mohawk Indian ancestry. Dancing Feather is an ordained Christian minister & he have been a teacher of the Native American Medicine Wheel for over 20 years. He writes the "Smoke on the Wind" column in the newspaper. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer