Waynedale Business


Your BBB of Northern Indiana has received calls from consumers claiming that a caller by the name of “Mark Benson” told them their name was picked among several others to receive a “free” $300 gas voucher. The only thing the consumers had to pay was a small fee of $3.90 with a credit card before they could send the voucher. The mother of this young adult answered the phone. When she told them her daughter was not at home, they told the mother they could take her card instead. She told them “absolutely not.” Good for her!

With the high price of gas, consumers could easily fall into this trap unwittingly, and that is exactly what scammers are counting on. “Scammers count on throwing people off base when they call with something that sounds real. Our office sees this type of activity time and again, and our warnings are always the same, but it needs repeating so that consumers know what they are dealing with,” said Michael Coil, president/CEO of BBB of Northern Indiana.

“We are asking that you give us a call if something like this happens so that we can assist you. Your money is far too precious to lose,” he said. “Our staff is on hand to help you, and it only takes a minute to give us a call to assist you.”

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