The Great Outdoors


Residents are reminded that it’s not too late to apply to have the City plant a street tree for them this fall.

“Fort Wayne has a long tradition of being a green city – we really care about our city forest,” said Tom Cain, Street Tree program manager with Community Development. “Planting trees continues that tradition and helps the community in many ways.”

One tree alone can absorb more than 1,000 pounds of carbon dioxide, helping Fort Wayne achieve EPA air quality standards. Trees absorb rainfall, helping reduce the release of sewage into the rivers in heavy rains.

Studies show how shade trees reduce energy consumption in summer by reducing air conditioning loads.

Street trees cool the streets and neighborhoods with their shade and studies have shown increased property value in well-planted neighborhoods.

The street tree program has been offered annually for more than ten years. This year, the City expects to plant more than 1000 trees through this program because of special supplemental funding from the $10 million Park Bond.

Residents can download an application from <;   homepage, or call 427-1140 to have an application mailed to them. The $20 fee per tree may be waived for applicants whose incomes fall below certain limits. Neighborhood organizations are encouraged to spread the word and can work with program staff to plant multiple locations.

Some trees are better than others for planting along streets. They’re considered “good neighbor” trees with deep root systems that aren’t considered invasive to sewer systems.  These strong, disease-resistant trees include various Maple, Oak, Honey Locust, Gingko, Linden, and Plane varieties, among others, listed on the application.


For more information about street trees, pruning cycles and the benefits of trees, visit and click on the Parks General Information page.

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