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What Is The Truth? by Rev. Chris Madison, Senior Pastor, First United Methodist Church-Wabash


“Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth.” John 17:17
New American Standard Bible.


Ron Howard’s movie, The Da Vinci Code, will debut on May 19. It has drawn a lot of fire from Christian groups across the world. It is based on Dan Brown’s book, with the same title. Sony Entertainment’s website says: “The Da Vinci Code involves a thrilling murder investigation that unearths a secret that could change the course of history. The film opens May 19th worldwide volves a thrilling murder investigation that unearths a secret that could change the course of history.”

When Christians, whether Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant, respond to this book and movie, several things must be kept in mind.

1. The book and movie are fictional. They were deliberately written and produced to “cause a stir.”

2. The depiction of Jesus, and most especially his relationship with Mary Magdalene, is not based on any of the 4 gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John).

3. The accuracy of the Bible in Dan Brown’s book and in the film is called into question, but the witness of the scriptures is universally consistent and can be trusted.

4. The Catholic Church, in particular, is accused of fostering a conspiracy, especially the order “Opus Dei,” which, though it is a legitimate Roman Catholic group of dedicated Christians, in no way is a “sinister” group, such as depicted in the movie.

So, what can we, as Christians, whether Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant, do in response to this movie and book? We need to use this movie debut, and the book itself, as an opportunity to speak the truth in love to those who may not know the Risen Christ, and who do not know the truth about Jesus’ church, which Jesus Himself founded, and is of God.

The viewpoint depicted of Jesus in the book and movie is not accurate. I would direct persons to several resources to help them find the truth. First of all, I would recommend the 4 gospels in the Bible itself. The witness presented in them about whom Jesus was and is, is accurate and can be trusted. (Though people often ask the question, “Gee, didn’t the Bible lose something in translation from the original languages to English and others?” Scholars, who translate the Bible, work with different manuscripts and languages—translations of copies of the original biblical manuscripts. The originals no longer exist. But, the witness of the living church, which the apostles began, is consistent. Church historians know this.)

Second, Carl E. Olson and Sandra Miesel, have written a tremendous “debunking” of the book and movie, entitled: “The Da Vinci Hoax: Exposing the Errors in the Da Vinci Code.” It is published by Ignatius Press, in San Francisco, 2004. Josh McDowell, a Protestant writer, has also written a response, called: “A Quest For Answer: The Da Vinci Code.” Campus Crusade for Christ is sponsoring this material, which is very reasonable in price ($1.50 per copy) and can be purchased by churches and individuals. The website for this material is: www.findtherealtruth.net.

Third, The History Channel has aired a really good video on this. I would particularly recommend Josh Bernstein’s “Digging For The Truth: The Da Vinci Code Bloodlines.” Josh is Jewish. He does his homework, and interviews major characters in Biblical scholarship, and in church history, and systematically exposes the book and movie for just what they are: FICTIONAL.

Lastly, I would simply point persons to people who know Jesus. Yes, Jesus is alive. Many of us know Him well. We believe, as Christians, that God the Father raised Christ to everlasting life, and that Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father in heaven’s glory. We also believe that through the Holy Spirit, we know God, and God knows us.

Let’s use this up and coming movie debut as a chance to speak the truth in love, and help people to meet the real Jesus, not the made up one, in the Da Vinci Code. And, I would urge Christians to use this opportunity in their respective congregations to explore this hoax, and in fair and non-threatening ways, “tell the truth.”

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