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Ol’ Phil the Groundhog tells us to expect six more weeks of winter. Not surprising, since winter is officially with us until about the third week of March. Another weather predictor is the larva of the Isabella tigermoth, more affectionately known as the woolly worm, or woolly bear, depending on what part of the country you live in.

This little creature’s body is made up of thirteen segments, which correspond to the thirteen weeks of winter. Its color varies from very dark brown or black to light reddish brown.

Tradition tells us that, the darker the “fur” of a particular segment, the harsher the weather for that corresponding week. Most of the woolly worms that I saw in the fall were black on each end with lighter brown in the mid-section.

Think about our weather in December. Early winter, dark head. And the month of January was the warmest on record. Light brown. I’d say these little guys are right on the money. If their prediction is accurate, be prepared for March to come in like the proverbial lion. In other words, don’t put your snow blowers and shovels away just yet.

Scientists don’t believe the woolly worms have any weather forecasting powers, but over the last twenty years, they (the worms, not the scientists) have had an 85% accuracy record. A little professional jealousy, perhaps?

And don’t tell the good folks in Banner Elk, North Carolina, that the woolly worm has no power. For the last 28 years, Banner Elk has hosted the Woolly Worm Festival, complete with the Running of the Worms with the winning worm acting as the official weather predictor.

I also saw two all black woolly worms last fall. They must have either been part of the other 15%, or they forgot they were in Indiana.

The Waynedale News Staff

Jane Ebbing

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