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This week’s side bar story and picture is about a Fort Wayne resident named Thomas Miller, who is the very first person in the state of Indiana to be connected to Verizon’s “Global” fiber optic network. The Waynedale News interviewed Thomas last week and learned that his broadband service started on October 25, 2005. Live 15 News headlined this historical event by announcing, “Christmas came early this year to a lucky Fort Wayne resident.” Actually it was more a “heads-up” action on Thomas’ part rather than luck, because on October 24th he typed Verizon.com FiOS into his search engine and after Verizon’s home page appeared he clicked on Verizon FiOS ONLINE … typed in his phone number and then clicked on ORDER NOW. On October 25th three Verizon utility trucks pulled into his driveway and the rest is history. Thomas demonstrated his new broadband service for us on his laptop computer and it was unbelievably fast, something like Stream Video that used to take 3-5 minutes download time on his DSL line is now instantaneous. The Verizon package Thomas purchased has a 15-megabit download and a 2 megabit upload time and costs $49.95 per month. And, there’s a $5 discount for customers using Verizon’s phone service and another $5 discount for those already using Verizon’s DSL service. Fort Wayne and New Haven are the first two Indiana cities to be connected to Verizon’s 75 million dollar fiber optic project. To find out if this broadband service is available in your area type >Verizon.com FiOS< into your search engine and if it’s not yet available in your area you can get on their notification list, like I did. I can hardly wait!

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