Original Leisure & Entertainment


A kind word is never forgotten.

The Politician
Did you hear that Smith & Wesson came out with a new gun? It’s called the “Politician.” It won’t work and you can’t fire it.

Lights Out
I had four beers,
When I jumped in the car.
Thought I’d just drive home,
It’s not that far.

A block from my house,
Or thereabout,
He pulled me over and
Said, “Your tail lights out.”
~ Jim Schindler

The Quiet Place
If the majority of Congress would only learn this one lesson:
It is better to keep your mouth shut and have people think you’re a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt; the halls of congress would be a very quiet place.

You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think about you if you realized how seldom they do.
~ Eleanor Roosevelt

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Jim Schindler

A graduate of John Carroll University and a successful businessman, the founder/ CEO of Bandido's Mexican restaurants. Jim writes the "Schindler Sez" column in the newspaper. He also authors a series of books of short, true, and humorous stories. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer