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Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School National Junior Honor Society students gather around approximately 100 Easter baskets they assembled for homeless and disadvantaged children.On March 17, Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School’s National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) gathered to assemble Easter baskets for homeless and disadvantaged children.

The NJHS asked all the classes of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School to contribute items for the Easter baskets for children aged 1 to 18, including chocolate, candy, coloring books, stuffed animals, play dough and sports balls, to name a few of the items. After gathering all the items from the classes, the NJHS students assembled approximately 100 Easter baskets for homeless and disadvantaged children. The Easter baskets were distributed to the children of Vincent House and Charis House, organizations which serve homeless families, and the Women’s Care Center, which serves women in crisis pregnancies.

“This is such a worthwhile project that our school does during Lent,” said Principal Lois Widner. “Our National Junior Honor Society of young men and women work very hard to reach out to the local community. They also challenge the rest of the school to be great stewards of their faith. I am so proud of all our students as they show Christ’s love for others.”

The Easter basket project is a Lenten almsgiving project sponsored by the National Junior Honor Society. The National Junior Honor Society is a national organization with local chapters that recognizes outstanding middle school students who show excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship and character. The moderators of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School’s NJHS are Mrs. Deb Brough, Mrs. Tonya Brown and Ms. Sue Verstynen.

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