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Honor-Flight-2014In November The Waynedale News published a two-part story about the Honor Flight trip Leonard Shepler and I took in October of 2013. We wish to thank all the people who made many positive and complementary remarks about the story to the staff of the newspaper and to Leonard and me.

We also had a lot of people ask the question, “How can we help support the Honor Flight?” As we stated in the article, each flight to Washington D.C. costs approximately $55,000 so our first response is “Please Contribute!” This is easily done either by PayPal on our website; hfnei.org or by mailing a check to Honor Flight NEI, P.O. Box 5, Huntertown, IN 46748. (Be sure and mention Waynedale in the memo line). This is a free trip for our veterans and each guardian pays $400. The rest of the funding comes from donations. I am involved in many non-profits; but this is one organization that ALL of the donations go directly to the flight. There is no overhead for offices or lights, no salaries as the board of directors all volunteer their time. We incur some postage costs communicating flight info to our vets but that is just about it.

Talk to your neighbors, your church family. Are there any veterans who would like to go on one of the flights? Tell them to visit our website to print off the veteran application. It is a first come, first serve basis although our priority is getting our WWII vets, as well as ANY vet who might be terminally ill, to Washington. Then we will move onto our Korean and Vietnam veterans. Perhaps you know of a group or church that would like to have a board member come share a little bit about the Honor Flight program? That is another great way to spread the word.

You can also assist Honor Flight by organizing a fundraising event. Or invite the family and friends to attend a fundraiser that someone else is hosting. Maybe you want to volunteer some time? You can also do that through our website; hfnei.org.

We are currently planning for three flights in 2014; two in the spring and one in the fall if our budget allows. We truly appreciate all of your support in any form. We have sent over 700 veterans to Washington. Here’s hoping for another banner year for Honor Flight Northeast Indiana!

Camille Garrison

Camille Garrison

Camille is a community leader, event organizer, trails supporter and more! After working near Waynedale for just over a year, she knew she wanted to call it home. She loves the friendliness and closeness of the community and have grown to be very passionate about seeing Waynedale prosper. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer