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Dave and his dad decided to pass on lunch, but they did stop and use a pay phone to call the captain’s old friend at Sotheby’s Auction House in NY City. She agreed to take the next plane to Sanibel Island. Little was said on the telephone but she read well between the lines–this sounded to her like a mission with a sweet commission.

“Pop, I’ve been following Odyssey Marine’s battle with the Spanish Government over a treasure Odyssey found and salvaged. Weki-leaks intercepted a diplomatic communication that indicated the U.S. State Department was involved in negotiations to assist the Spanish government in taking the treasure away from Tampa based Odyssey, in exchange for the return of stolen artwork to an unnamed private American citizen. Why would our State Department do such a thing?” questioned Dave.

“To begin with son,” said the captain, “The word ‘allegedly’ indicates that nobody could prove the allegation, but then again, you don’t have to be a poultry expert to know a rotten egg. People with political connections in Washington D.C. can make anything happen—including the outcome of court rulings. Politically connected people get the gold and all of those who are lower on the food chain get the shaft—powerful people don’t play by the same rules as peasants—get used to it. The only way little people can win is by not telling anybody when they discover and salvage anything of value.”

“That’s not fair Pop,” insisted Dave.

“Who said life is fair,” insisted the captain. “The mega rich and their pals live by the Golden Rule, the one with the most gold rules—that’s the way it is.”

Dave was adamant, “The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Odyssey Marine Exploration must return 17 tons of silver and gold coins and other treasure that they legitimately recovered in international waters. Odyssey appealed to the Supreme Court to retain possession of the half billion dollars worth of treasure, but Justice Clarence Thomas denied their petition without comment. Odyssey lawyers bitterly complained that our State Department’s influence on this case clearly overshadowed the law and justice,” insisted Dave.

“I’m surprised that Odyssey’s lawyers are surprised; they’re pretending not to know that we have the best justice system that money can buy. It’s called, stealing legal like,” quipped the captain.

Dave continued, “Odyssey’s lawyers said that the court’s decision would make it more likely that any future discoveries will be melted down and sold on the black market.”

“That sounds like a wise plan to me,” commented the captain. “Out of sight is out of mind–the politicians can’t steal something they don’t know about.”

“By the way son, keep that card handy that Mitchell gave us, the one that says we will not talk to the police, even about the weather. If the police stop us crack your window, hand out your proof of insurance, registration and drivers license and tell them to call our attorney’s cell phone number if they have any further questions. Mitchell said that we have everything to lose and nothing to gain by cooperating with the police. He claims half of the people who are incarcerated tried to get a break by cooperating with police officers, but they ended up putting themselves in the slam by saying something stupid—the growing number of people who have confessed to crimes they never committed seems to verify that philosophy. The police are professionals at interrogating people and they gang up on one person and play good cop, bad cop but if you talk to either of them you lose. Presidents, senators, congressmen, the mafia and corporate executives all choose to remain silent–they let their lawyers do the talking so, what’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.”

“Gee Pop, I can hardly wait to find out how much the treasure is worth,” exclaimed Dave.

“I’m no expert,” said the captain, “but some of the emeralds, ruby’s and diamonds I saw in those boxes are worth millions. I expect that Jenifer will suggest that we should broker a cash deal with one of her NY buyers. We can sell all five boxes at wholesale and that will leave plenty of room for her and the buyer when they auction them off. Since some of it has Spain’s Royal markings on it we had better do this deal before the Spanish get wind of it or, we will end up like Odyssey’s Salvage Company.”

“The mechanics, I hired should have the new diesel engine transplanted by next week and the new Spectra sails should be there, too and other friends will launch and dock the Circus before we return. Even if the authorities figure out where the Circus is at, we won’t be there to be interviewed. After the Circus is re-launched we can sweep her for tracking devices, motor out into the inner costal water way after dark and head for Havana.”

“Pop,” said Dave, “I thought we were going east out into the Atlantic and then make a cut for the islands—isn’t Havana in the opposite direction?”

“Well, son,” commented the captain, “I promised the gypsy sisters and some of the boys that we would stop at the cigar factory in Havana and pick them up a suitcase full of fresh cigars. From there, we can sail on around the west end of Cuba to Grand Cayman Island and deposit your money in an off-shore numbered account.”

“What about the gypsy sisters warning to stay away from Cuba and the passage between the Turks and Caicos Islands?” asked Dave.

“That’s at the east end of Cuba and Havana is on the far west end so we should be OK,” explained the Captain. You don’t want that money with you when we return to the islands because we will more than likely be searched–it will be safe at a Grand Cayman bank until we can move it again.

When the U.S. invaded Panama the banks there confiscated a lot of people’s money, so we shouldn’t leave it offshore any longer than we have to, but your grandmother in Italy will keep it safe for you. Even Mussolini and the Nazi’s couldn’t find her money and it will be safe with her,” said the captain.

“Who’s Mussolini,” asked Dave?

“Mussolini and the Nazi’s were long before your time and before mine too, but they, like all the other tyrants, got what they had coming and your Granny has outlived them all.

“I can’t wait to call, Aura and Mom and I miss my aunt too,” said Dave.
Suddenly they saw a sign the said Sanibel Island and at last they had arrived at their destination. As they pulled into the driveway Dave’s aunt came out to greet them and said, “Oh, Enzo, you’ve grown so tall and handsome too.” To be continued.

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John Stark

The author of the "Tales from the Caribbean" fictional column. He attended school at Waynedale Elementary, Maplewood, Elmhurst HS in the Waynedale area. John had 25 years of professional writing experience when he passed away in 2012. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer