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FIRST GRADERS SPONSOR “COOKIES FOR CHRIST”It may not seem unusual that St. Joseph-St. Elizabeth School first graders and their families have been busy baking cookies at this time of year. What is unusual is that these first graders and their families bake, bag and sell their annual “Cookies for Christ” to the St. Joseph-St. Elizabeth School community and donate all the money they make to the Sunshine Club. The Sunshine Club is an outreach of both St. Joseph and St. Elizabeth Seton parishes that gives food, clothing, toys and household items to 50-plus families in need at Christmas time.

“Cookies for Christ” is not only a stewardship project for the first graders, but also makes up a unit of study. The first graders and their teachers, Mrs. Julie Peters and Miss Kaitlynn Gallaway, took a field trip to Ellison Bakery to see how commercial cookies are made. The first graders made posters for both the St. Elizabeth and St. Joseph campuses to advertise their cookie sale which took place at both campuses from Dec. 5 to Dec. 8.

“Cookies for Christ has become an annual stewardship project for our first graders,” said St. Joseph-St. Elizabeth School Principal Lois Widner. “This project means so much to our community and to our school. What an awesome way for our young people to show their love for others and as a witness for Christ.”
Mrs. Joanne Krudop, retired St. Joseph-St. Elizabeth School first grade teacher, came in to talk to the first graders to tell them how she started Cookies for Christ in the mid-1990s. A boy in her first grade class was using cardboard to hold together an old pair of shoes and was in desperate need for new shoes.
“Afterwards, this year’s first graders talked about the needs of that boy,” said first grade teacher Julie Peters. “The children were eager to sell many cookies so they could help others in similar need.”

The St. Joseph-St. Elizabeth School first graders sold their cookies for 25 cents each. They sold 2,758 cookies and made $689.50, which was given to the Sunshine Club of St. Joseph and St. Elizabeth Seton parishes to help families in need at Christmastime.

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