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Runproof ultra sheer hosiery is advertised as a “fashion must” for legs that look well-groomed in 1952. Whitley County Country Quilters

Last week I traveled to visit the Whitley Country Quilters at the Columbia City United Methodist Church in Columbia City. About 45 quilt enthusiasts gathered to share their latest projects, finds, triumphs and travails.

Co-owner of Quilts n’ Ladybugs Kathy Beauchot directs the action as everyone has the opportunity to show and expound on their latest project to enthusiastic clapping. A large charity quilt is shown to rave reviews. Everyone is asked to take a ticket packet home, the goal is $7000! The goal will be achieved with so many dedicated hands on deck.

For my program I explain my philosophy of quilt restoration based on the creed “What Would Grandma Do?” The quilts are intertwined with a rousing game of “Guess that decade!” as large pieces of vintage fabric we view and debate their age. Different quilts with different restoration challenges. Practical tips for restoring practical quilts show proof that the process isn’t “rocket science.” Hand-sewing skills and patience goes a long way.

Chloe Reynolds shares a paper-pieced quilt top. The crumbling papers bear witness that the quilt-maker used pages from a 1952 Sears catalog as foundation to string-piece her diamond shapes. Chloe asked whether she should quilt the top or not. We examine the various blocks marveling at the items never to be seen in today’s catalogs. Never will the girdles of 1952 be missed! I think as long as there is history intact to read and view Chloe will continue to enjoy her quilt top.

If you have a quilt question or a quilt you would like to share contact Lois Eubank at 260-422-5900 or email her at bornagainquilts@frontier.com.

Lois Levihn

She is the author of the "Around the Frame" quilting column. She is a graduate of Wayne HS. Quilts have always been important to her, she loves the stories surrounding them, the techniques used in making them, & restoring them. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer