Original Leisure & Entertainment


TOOTH FAIRY ISLANDPart One (of three)


Once upon a time when God created the earth, he created things that only children could understand. He thought, “I want the children to have a part of their lives that help them use their imagination.” One such place for children to dream about is Tooth Fairy Island.

This island is in a land far from here. It is surrounded by warm water and is shaped like a tooth. It’s a lovely place to live. The tooth fairies live here. Yes, there are many tooth fairies and they are like little angels! When God created Tooth Fairy Island, he put Regina in charge. Her name means queen.

Regina as the queen fairy, rules over all the other fairies. There are boy fairies and girl fairies and they have special duties. Regina lives in a castle high on a hill overlooking the island. She knows where all the fairies live and can call them at any time.

These fairies could not be seen by adults, therefore, they didn’t believe in them. But children know they are real and sometimes they see them. The boy and girl fairies have two wings that flutter very fast and little tiny bodies. They have legs and arms. They move about by fluttering their wings and making a pretty singing sound.

Regina is much larger than the other fairies and has four wings. Her voice is loud and she laughs a lot. She looks like the other fairies but she is larger and she wears a crown made of spider webbing. When the wind blows on her, the web crown sways in the breeze and makes a sort of pretty humming sound.

The fairies have fun all day by chasing each other around and playing hide and seek. It’s so much fun to be a tooth fairy. Day after day they fly around in the warm sunlight under bright blue skies. At night, they glow a light blue color and they never sleep. What fun it is to be a tooth fairy!


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Hal Vizino

A resident of Winterset Neighborhood Association, he is excellent artist & story teller. Hal author's a children's column in the newspaper. He became interested in writing children's stories and dedicating them to his four granddaughters. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer