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We have all heard about the “up-side down” tomato plants and the many ways to grow them. What I want to know is through your own experience, how did it work for you? I have heard of many failures of this unique method of growing tomatoes but surprisingly, most people take the blame themselves for doing something wrong, such as over-watering, over-fertilizing, not enough sun, picked the wrong variety of tomato, used bad soil, used the wrong container, etc.

While in Indianapolis this past September, I was told (on the side) by the supplier of garden shop supplies, not to buy the containers for selling and growing these up-side down tomatoes because the whole concept does not work. I never thought that it would work since tomato plants and all other plants simply will not grow up-side down. They will always turn up-right as soon as possible because plants grow toward the sky. And I still do not know why anyone would even want to grow a tomato up-side down.

Now, I need your help…please write and tell me of your successes or failures in growing the up-side down tomato so that I can tally up and report back to you on what works, both with variety of tomato and container that seems to be the best, whether it is a “store-bought” container or a creation of your own. Maybe your tomato looked good for a while, then something went wrong. Tell me.

Please send your story to:

Doug Hackbarth

c/o Broadview Florist

5409 Winchester Rd

Ft Wayne, IN 46819

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Doug Hackbarth - Broadview Florist & Greenhouses

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