Health & Exercise


Have you ever noticed that when and if you have one of those “bad mornings” that the rest of the day seems to get worse? The day is long, you cannot reach your deadline, and you start to get really stressed out. Then other things may start to happen, your body starts to change. You start sweating, your mind tends to not retain any information, confusion starts to set in, and eventually you start to notice that your body starts getting sore. Now, the only thing you want to do is go home and relax because you know that that is exactly what has worked in the past. Have you ever had one of those awesome mornings when you wake up, your mind is clear, you are ready to go to work and make that mullah, reach your goals, and have a really fun day? When you do this, do you notice that you feel great inside and out, healthy as a bird, no aches and pains, and you feel like you could do anything? Everyone wants to experience option two every day but unfortunately with our high-strung US society, it is nearly impossible. My point is that our mind has a direct connection with our health and total wellness. If we are down and depressed, then usually we are more susceptible to illnesses, body aches, and pains.

A-lot of this has to do with a known fact that depression directly and indirectly lowers the immune system with laughter actually boosting it. That is why I often work with counselors and psychologists in conjunction with my patients to help get them better. I also try to tell my patients to find something to laugh about every morning to start your day.This, with a healthy diet and exercise, can really change your life. So here’s my remedy for an awesome day. First, buy a “Larson” calendar or some other type of joke-of-the-day calendar. Wake up half an hour earlier than usual and look at your joke of the day. Next, go for a morning jog to help wake you up and get your blood flowing. Then, take a shower and do the rest of your morning routine. Now, make a morning shake consisting of a blend of low-fat plain yogurt, frozen fruit, whey protein, low-fat milk and OJ. Snack on fruit throughout the day and remember to eat a healthy lunch and dinner as described in previous articles (call me if you want a copy). Remember to take a 5-minute break every 45 minutes to reset your mind. Stand up, stretch, drink a full glass of water, take a deep breath and then start again. Accomplish your daily goals and maintain a positive attitude throughout the night.

The mind body connection can work both ways also and that’s where I come in. By getting a relaxing massage or a chiropractic treatment at least once a month (recommended once per week) then it can help the mind to reset. Many times, unfortunately, our minds and bodies get too damaged for self-relief and that’s where we need to see a professional. For the best mental help in Fort Wayne, I send my patients to Gerard & Coslow Associates (same building as my practice, Suite 285. 422-9372). An alternative place is the Bowen Center (471-3500). Ask for Katie Merz to help find the best specialist for you.
So to help you with a good laugh I send you with some of my favorite jokes ever (they’re corny but good).

A pirate walks into a bar and has a steering wheel hanging out of his zipper. The bartender notices this and tells the pirate, “Hey sir, did you know you have a steering wheel hanging out of your zipper?” The pirate answers, “Yarrgh its drivin mi nutz.” Where does a pirate keep is animals? In the BARRNN. How does a pirate get to work? In a CARRR! Ok, well you get the point. So remember to keep your head up, have fun, and enjoy life. Like my grandpa Earl Fleck always says, “Jayme, if you don’t laugh every day then you’re not really living.”


Thanks everyone and please have a healthy day!

Due to popular demand for the FREE consultation and FREE massage offer ending November 1, and the backup of appointment times available, we have extended the promotion of a FREE consultation and FREE massage thru December 1. So call now while there are still appointment times available. I am doing this to extend my gratitude and thanks to all of my readers. I also want to thank you for all the phone calls, e-mails, and letters responding regarding questions and appreciation for my articles.

Again, there is no obligation or costs for this $85 value opportunity. If you come in and I feel I can’t help you, then not only do you get your massage, but I will find someone in my network of doctor friends whom I know will give you the best care. Remember that chiropractic is good for not only treating pain but preventing it as well. Studies show that chiropractic can help the immune system and prevent other diseases like arthritis.


We accept all insurance and if you’re a cash patient who doesn’t have insurance, or their insurance doesn’t cover chiropractic, call and ask how you can get 25% off of your bill. Until next time, I am Dr James P. Nill DC.


Take care and have a healthy day.


If you or anyone you know has any questions or would like to know more of what I can do for you, then give me a call to set up your FREE initial consultation. Please contact me by phone at 260-459-2205 or by e-mail at If you have any questions or if you want to come in for the free consultation, the address is: Nill Family Chiropractic and Wellness Center at 4656 W. Jefferson Blvd., Suite 240, Fort Wayne, IN 46804. Also, feel free to check out our website to see all that we have to offer at

The Waynedale News Staff

James P. Nill, D.C.

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