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The Bishop Luers Show Choir season is in full swing. Not only do the Minstrels have various competitions almost every weekend, but the main event on their calendar is March 4, 2006. This is the Annual Bishop Luers Show Choir Invitational. The Minstrels do not only invite show choirs from Indiana, but choirs also come to compete from Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, West Virginia, and even Florida. Karlene Krouse, the Minstrels director, explained the invitation process. “Over 200 choirs are invited, and then the top 16-20 are accepted.”

The goal of all the choirs attending is to make it to the night show, but first they must perform in the day competition. Krouse described what goes on in that competition. “The choirs compete in a twenty-five minute show. We have 13 judges that watch all the shows and then decide who makes it into the night show.”

The competition during the day is very tough and the choirs must perform their best. After all, only six of the invited choirs make the cut and perform in the night show. By the end of the night, one of the six choirs will have out-performed the others and received first place. As the hosts, the Minstrels are not able to compete, but they do perform, while the judges are deciding who the top choir is.

Something this size does not just happen over night. It takes one year to plan and make all the preparations in order to have a smooth sailing invitational. To be pulled off successfully this event also requires hundreds of volunteers.

With all the planning required many would find this undertaking very stressful. Others would feel it is a good time, because one gets to see so many choirs show off their abilities. Krouse explained her opinion, “It is both stressful and fun. You want to have a smooth running day and for it to be a great opportunity for the choirs.”

Come March, the choirs will be returning home, with one celebrating a win. The volunteers will be reminiscing on their hard work that helped the invitational run efficiently, and Krouse will be thinking about next year.

The Waynedale News Staff

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