‑‑ The annual Miami District Klondike Derby was held Saturday, January 22 at the Anthony Wayne Scout Reservation, Camp Chief Little Turtle. This date was our alternate, since the original calendared date included sub-zero temperatures. Our Scouts are all instructed and well schooled in dealing with these adverse types of weather conditions, but the responsibility of the leadership dictates that we do not haphazardly toss our charges in harms way just to see how many of them actually listened!
‑‑‑‑ And there is always that uncontrollable Indiana weather factor that occasionally refuses to cooperate. That weather was a contributing factor in the operation of the Derby for Plan B. Early Saturday morning found Camp Chief Little Turtle with eight inches of the white stuff on the ground and a seemingly endless supply still drifting down through the atmosphere. It was truly Klondike Derby weather.
‑‑‑‑ Over 300 Scouts started checking in before 9AM Saturday morning. Coincidentally that is also about the same time that the Stueben County Highway people came to tell us that if we were still at camp at 1PM Saturday, we might just still be there at 1PM Tuesday as well…It did not take long to come up with an abbreviated “bobtail” version of the usual Klondike to fit the circumstances.
‑‑‑‑‑ We cannot even begin to thank Chairmen Bob Rainwaters, Co-Chair Bob Henhiser, New Miami District Executive Will Blunt, Campmasters Jim Fox, Bill Lamb, Dan Jobe, and Ranger Jon for thinking fast enough on their feet to meet these challenges head on and deal with them so professionally.
‑‑‑‑ Five Klondike stations included First Aid, Ice Rescue, Fire Building, a Scavenger hunt, and a Sled race. The competition was fierce and there was even a three-way tie for First Place in First Aid. After final scores were all tallied it was the Snow Boars from Troop 103 in Pokagon District that took the overall First Place home with them.
‑‑‑‑ Just attending this years Klondike Derby helped the Scouts sharpen and bring into focus the reasons that we teach and practice the winter skills that we do in our program. Be Prepared -‑the motto of a true Scout.
‑‑‑‑ In conjunction with the Klondike Derby the Cub Scouts held their annual Akela Day. For the Cubs it was time for sledding and snowballs and they could not have been at a better place. Sometimes these situations can be just what you decide to make out of them.
‑‑‑‑ On Saturday, March 5 from 9AM ’til 2PM the annual Council Pinewood Derby will be held at the AWAC Service Center‑off US 24 West. Turn South at the light for Lutheran Hospital and keep going past Verizon and Indiana Wesleyan College. The Scout Office is the last building that you get to.
‑‑‑‑‑ In addition to the Council Pinewood Derby there will be Space Derbies and a Raingutter Regatta. Other interactive displays will include shooting sports (air rifle and archery) and many other interesting activities.
‑‑‑‑ These activities are open to registered Scouts‑and their interested guests. If any youth or parents are intrigued by what the Cub Scout program offers Scouts it would be an excellent opportunity to take a look. And for‑the Cub Scouts already attending, ask a friend to join you. You might just end up with a “Recruiter Patch”.
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