Original Leisure & Entertainment


Hello family and friends,


After 2 weeks in Ethiopia, I left Addis Ababa to return to the States. Wow, was good to be home – even for a short time! In the midst of trying to adjust to the different time zone, my sister got married. (Congratulations, Susan and Frank!). I took a trip to Chicago to get a visa for India, and I’ve been spending time with my family. I haven’t even had time to visit friends – sorry about that!

I’m leaving tomorrow morning for a week in southern India. Kimber (for those who don’t know her, she’s one of my very best friends and my housemate of about 9 years) is getting married there on December 28th. I can’t quite believe that I’m getting ready to leave on another long flight so soon after being back, but I’m excited that I’ll be there for her wedding and will get to celebrate with her in person. 🙂

As for my new plans…I haven’t really made any specific arrangements for my next trip, but my general idea is to spend a few weeks in Indiana, then go to California for a couple of weeks, and then head off again to visit friends and travel in Asia and Southeast Asia. From there, I’ll work my way back around the world, with the route and timeframe to be determined.

Another traveler I met in Africa sent the following message as part of her greetings, and I want to pass the sentiment along:

“As we all get consumed with the madness of our every day lives, please take a moment and remember how many of our neighbors are not so fortunate as we. Perhaps for every something new that you are fortunate to get this year, you would be willing to surrender something old to a homeless or women’s shelter or the Salvation Army, or to go the extra mile and mail those second hand ‘gifts’ to some FAR less fortunate friends of mine in the third world.”

For those interested, she has some contact information up for possible recipients of gifts in other countries. Her website is www.atworldtour.com, and the information is under the Lend Your Hand link. Of course, there are plenty of local charities in every community that would also appreciate any support!


Best wishes to each of you. 

Love, Sharon

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