Waynedale Political Commentaries


The Wayne Township Trustee’s Office is a government entity established to provide temporary, emergency, assistance to those in need. Funding for the township comes from the taxpaying citizens of Wayne Township. Our Deputy Director of Accounting and Finance is William Carr an employee of 16 years who asked if he could tell of his experience with Wayne Township and a story of the blessings that it brought to one family. Mr. Carr’s department consists of an Assistant Township Clerk, Administration Claims Clerk, Shelter/Utility Claims Clerk and Assistant Payee Clerk.

“The Accounting Department is responsible for Payroll, generating checks for all poor relief assistance approved, monthly financial reports, publishing legal notices for board meetings, budgeting, appropriations and various other fiscal responsibilities.

I am very proud to be an employee of the Wayne Township Trustee’s Office along with Trustee Matthew Schomburg. The care of the needy, loyalty to employees and fiscal responsibility of taxpayer dollars, have never been greater during my time at the Township Office. Mr. Schomburg is the third Trustee since my employment. In my opinion, as well as many others across the state of Indiana, he is one of the best Trustee’s and also elected officials as was evidenced by his selection as Indiana State Trustee of the Year. He has also earned the highest honors given by the Allen Council of Veterans to a civilian, the annual Community Service award from NAACP, and has been named a Hometown Hero, was honored with the AMVETS District Commander’s Award for his dedicated service to local veterans, and has received numerous other awards, all while serving us as our Trustee. He will not accept credit for this but gives full credit and recognition to each Department Supervisor and their staff a selflessness rarely seen in someone with these accomplishments.

During this administration we have implemented various new programs one of which I am responsible to direct, the Wayne Township Payee Program. The accounting staff is honored to serve as representative payees for citizens of Wayne Township whose disabling conditions make it extremely difficult to take care of daily responsibilities that many of us take for granted. The success and growth Wayne Township Trustee’s Office Payee Program has helped transition many local residents from needing services of Community Partners, to proud citizens who are now adding their tax resources to the local base. One less in need, one more to help us take care of the rest.

The Payee Program is designed so that Social Security recipients who have been deemed by a physician unable, get the needed help to make everyday living possible. The payee representative manages their monthly finances for them, with the first priority being to ensure that current emergency needs are met such as food, shelter, clothing, medical and dental care. Checks are issued to local grocery stores along with a personal allowance. We then assist the participants with finding more permanent housing and work with the landlords to pro rate their rent. We also work closely with the Allen County Division of Family & Children Services, and Fort Wayne Housing Authority to ensure that the necessary verification is provided during re-certifications and reviews. The Wayne Township Trustee Office assists eligible participants with shelter, utilities and food when first coming onto the program, then look to establish long term stability that even include final expenses such as the establishment of a funeral trust. The Wayne Township Trustee’s Office Payee Program currently has 72 (seventy-two) active participants and 7 (seven) pending requests. The service is a free service to the residents of Wayne Township.

Three years ago an individual with a very serious eye disease joined our program. He was going through foreclosure proceedings on his home with two mortgages, had several charge cards with large balances, many eye related medical bills, and was behind in his utility payments. As of this past week, this head of household now has paid off all of his charge cards, caught up on both mortgages and showed enough positive credit that we helped him to refinance his home saving him three hundred dollars a month, has no outstanding medical or any other bills, and was approved to purchase a new vehicle without needing anyone to cosign for him.

This family along with about seventy others will be attending the Wayne Township Trustee’s Office 3rd Annual Payee Christmas party at the Plymouth Congregation United Church of Christ, Friday, December 17, 2004, from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. The last two years, the party has been joyously successful as families such as this share their stories with others just getting started and prove that there is hope. With donations received from the community, we have been able to provide each participant a Christmas experience that they would not be able to enjoy otherwise. Your support of the Wayne Township office is what helps to make this hope and success possible. On behalf of all these citizens in need, and the Wayne Township staff our Thanks to You!”

The Waynedale News Staff

Matthew Schomburg

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