Waynedale Political Commentaries


The City is considering changes to utility rates. This is not an easy decision, but investments must be made to our infrastructure system. Recommendations will be presented to City Council in October or November.

One proposal calls for an increase to the stormwater fee to reduce the risk of flooding and drainage problems. The current charge is $2.20 per month. The increase could range from $.40 to $1.45. The $1.45 increase would allow City Utilities to make the most improvements. The City would be able to issue a $17 million bond to construct flood protection projects along the St. Marys River, Fairfield Ditch and Spy Run watershed. In addition, $500,000 would be used each year to buy out chronically flooded properties.

The City is also considering a water rate increase to continue reliable and efficient service. The proposed increase is in the 15-25% range. The increase would allow for the modernization of electrical and pumping equipment and water storage at critical facilities such as the St. Joe Dam and Water Filtration Plant. Work would also continue to increase pressure and flow in the distribution system and replace failing water main systems. Water is such a vital commodity. Firefighters and residents depend on this service 24 hours a day, seven days a week. More detailed information is available online at www.cityoffortwayne.org under the “Possible Utility Rate Changes” link. Additional information will be provided to you in your September City Utilities bill.

I am pleased that Indiana’s only statewide technology trade group, Techpoint, has opened an office in Fort Wayne at the new Northeast Indiana Innovation Center. Techpoint and its technology-based experience is a great addition to our local economy. Techpoint’s mission complements our efforts to promote business technology and quality jobs. Investments in innovation help us build a better city to retain and gain jobs.

Thanks to the nearly 2,400 residents who responded to the Plan-it Allen! survey. We received a lot of positive feedback. The community overwhelmingly views job creation and job retention as the most important factor for a bright future. We are committed to creating and retaining jobs. Plan-it Allen! is the first ever joint comprehensive land-use and development plan for the City and Allen County. The new plan will define a vision for future growth and development and serve as a guide for community decision-making.


Graham Richard

The Waynedale News Staff

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