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Area residents are invited to submit stories that will help influence the creation of two Faces of the Fort murals. The stories may be videos or essays and should provide information about leaders, community members or everyday people who have contributed to Fort Wayne’s civil rights and social justice efforts. Stories may be personal in nature or can highlight the work of someone else.

Stories should be submitted via the website www.FacesoftheFort.org or www.fwcommunitydevelopment.org/home-faces-of-the-fort. Video submissions should be no more than two minutes in length and essays no more than 500 words.

The stories will be used to inform the designs of two artists selected to create murals that are the first in the Faces of the Fort project, recommended in the recently adopted Art for All Public Art Master Plan. Faces of the Fort will include murals throughout the city and will focus on preserving the history of Fort Wayne’s diverse neighborhoods by highlighting local individuals who have made contributions to the advancement of civil rights including, but not limited to, race, gender, sexual orientation and immigration status.

A committee comprised of members from the Fort Wayne Public Art Commission, local arts organizations, neighborhood groups, the African/African-American Historical Society, the immigrant and refugee community and the LGBTQ community will select two artists to paint the murals, which will be designed based in part on the stories submitted by residents. These first two murals will be located in southeast and northeast Fort Wayne.

The murals are expected to be complete by late fall 2020.

The Waynedale News Staff

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