If you spend much time in public schools today, you will see many signs about bullying and how wrong it is. But did you ever stop to wonder what it is that is missing in the bullies that they so desire to cause pain and harm to others? You see, we all have disabilities. We all are lacking in some way. Most of us are short-sighted in one area or another. Could it be that lacking is why we have bullies? Could it be the “disability” in a bully that causes him/her to be a bully?
Perhaps we are bullied at home and we take our inability to fight back against a parent to school with us and strike out at a “weaker” person there. Perhaps we have a boss who abuses his authority and we take that abuse to keep our jobs, but pass it on at home.
Perhaps a person is overweight. They may not like it, but don’t seem capable of doing anything about it.
Perhaps someone does not have the nicest clothes or smell the best. But what is their home like? Do we know? Does anyone take the time to try to get to know the person inside those wrappings?
Jesus teaches us that we are not to look on the outward appearance, but look to the inside where the real person lives. Sometimes we try to hide the real person because we are afraid no one will like that person, so we go along with the crowd—even when we don’t like what they are doing. But, at least, we are a part of the crowd.
We are also taught that with Jesus as our friend, we are never alone and can stand up for what is right, even if we seem to be the only one. Sometimes just one person having the guts to take a stand empowers others to take a stand also.
One of my disabilities is fear. Fear of rejection. Fear of not succeeding. Another one is pride-wanting recognition in all things instead of realizing that it is only by God’s power and strength that I can do anything.
You see, a disability can be something that keeps us from being the person that God meant us to be. Quite often a person born with a disability is a blessing over someone who chooses to react to situations from a disability standpoint.
The Bible says that God had a plan for us before we were born. It says He sees us in our mother’s womb. If we were to treat each other as God’s creation, this would be a much happier place. If we were to remember that each of us has a purpose in God’s plan and that God can bring blessings from even the worst situation, I believe that we all would be blest beyond reason!
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