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Rev. Thomas Dancing FeatherTHE WEATHER MAN


On a hot August Friday evening, I was honored to be part of the ground blessing at the pow wow that would take place Saturday and Sunday in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan.

The elder drummed as he led us around the pow wow circle and arbor. We all offered tobacco, and when we completed the circle, a woman was chosen to light the sacred prayer fire.

We would offer tobacco and the elder would say a prayer and give us some words of wisdom from his many years of walking the Red Path. He approached the fire, putting tobacco in it, and we all did likewise. Then, with all of us standing in a circle, this great man was ready to speak his words of wisdom –

“There – now it will not snow tonight.”


Thomas  Ebbing

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Rev. Thomas “Dancing Feather” Ebbing

He was born & raised in Ft. Wayne is of Mohawk Indian ancestry. Dancing Feather is an ordained Christian minister & he have been a teacher of the Native American Medicine Wheel for over 20 years. He writes the "Smoke on the Wind" column in the newspaper. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer