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Close to 2,000 Scouts from 100 units gathered over the weekend of October 12th – 14th at IPFW to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Anthony Wayne Area Council. Every one of the 11 counties that form the local Boy Scout council were represented at the camporee.
The weather cooperated with no rain, cool nights (with no bugs), and premium fall days to enjoy. The almost 100 person committee that planned this jamboree style camp-out for a year provided more activities than a single Scout could partake of in one weekend. All of those Scouters deserve a “well done” for their efforts.
Most of IPFW seemed to be utilized for the weekend. Walb Union had historic Scout displays, the Scout Shop, hundreds of yards of model trains in all scales imaginable, and a Red Cross blood drive. The large parking lot had local, state, and county police represented. The SWAT van and bomb squad were good to go. There was a popular impaired driver course where many orange pylons perished under the wheels of a golf cart driven by a Scout wearing goggles and equipment to simulate the drunken driving situation. The north campus provided enough room for Parkview’s Samaritan helicopter to land. Close to the helicopters LZ other first responders demonstrated a mass casualty response that included the jaws-of-life peeling open a vehicle so the victims could receive medical help effectively.
The regular Army and Army National Guard brought a climbing wall and also a dog tag machine to accomplish ID’s for the Scouts. Phil’s Hobby Shop had remote control models zipping everywhere. Earth Adventures brought the latest camping technology to check out. The Order of the Arrow and Troop #349 had Indian themed teepees erected. A blacksmith had red hot metal coming out of the forge while he showed Scouts the way that it used to be done. The shooting stations were hot all day as Scouts competed for prizes by shooting dog food from slingshots and employing the famous marshmallow gun. The IPFW archeology department staffed a simulated dig, demonstrated flint knapping, and displayed early artifacts from our area.
Local Waynedale Scouts attending the camporee – Troop 344, Nathan Seelye, Sean Driscoll, John Dukarski, Rob Dukarski, Tyler Davis, Chris Kivi, Rory Lewis, Graham Horner, Jake Smith, James Cody, Bronson Long, Logan Sower, Ben Treesh, Tommy Chavez, Ian Newton, Cody Amos, and Alex Taylor. Webelos from Pack 3313 Alvaro Caro, Hijirri Baker, Taylor Hogan, Adam Lithgow, Corey Shadle, and Mitch Yoakum. Troop #302 Scouts Nicholas Adams, Jacob Tompkins, Casey Hardy, Cody Zimmerman, Nathan Bausser, Kyle Lahr, Chris Darron, Josh Mattes, Alex Herber, Blake Neuhausen, and Logan Neuhausen. Pack #3302 Jimmy Edelman, Reggie Hayes, Jacob Brown, Stephen Smith-Guitard, Tristan Mall, and Parker Crowell. Troop #22 Wayne Phillips Jr, Andrew Verhey, and Carlos Resendz.

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Gary McOmber

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