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I often think of our father in my daily devotion and prayers, remembering how he taught my brother, James Feather in the Wind, and me how to drive a car.  That was a long time ago, learning how to shift, brake, use the clutch, park, slow down, speed up, and all the rules of the road.  Dad was a very peaceful man and excercised much patience in teaching my brother and me in his prized 1947 Plymouth.  I have carried these teachings of our father into my ministry and my personal reflections on how to live and have a good life.

We need to know how to start, accelerate, shift, look out for our fellow travellers, slow down, signal when we are going to turn and go another direction.  We must keep our vehicle clean, especially the windows so we have a clear vision of the road ahead.  Life can at times be a bumpy road, and we may get a flat tire now and then.  So we need to have a spare tire and a spare prayer, and remember how to go about changing the tire and our lives.  Yes, it can be difficult to change, but it gets easier when you know where we are headed and the joy we will have upon our arrival.


May God bless you on your life’s journey. 


Rev. Thomas Dancing Feather Ebbing

The Waynedale News Staff

Rev. Thomas Dancing Feather Ebbing

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