Original Leisure & Entertainment


I’m a firm believer in the Scouting program, whether it’s Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts. I believe the youth of today have a lot of idle time on their hands; it’s not like the ‘olden days’ when there were chores to do like milking, gathering eggs, slopping hogs, raking leaves, gardening, etc. What with apartment living and smaller plots to build houses on, there are fewer and fewer things to keep boys and girls occupied. I have heard the phrase, “Idle hands are the Devils tools,” all my life. It is true; children with nothing to do will usually find the wrong things to do. I’m sorry but ‘hanging out at the mall rates as one of the top “no-no’s in my book.

Not only do I recommend that you enroll your boy or girl in Scouting activities but I recommend you go along with them and help with scouting in any way that you possibly can; I did. I started out just driving the boys to where they were camping and then going back on Sunday to pick them up. Sometimes I would actually go camping with the troop but I wouldn’t see my sons all weekend. Mostly I stayed in camp, kept the fire going under the stew pot and kept the coffeepot full and warn. They were out and about doing their many activities like hiking, and pioneering. I commented to my oldest son, “I never see you on the campouts; why should I keep going?” He told me, “Dad, every once in a while we came back and checked on you to see if you were ok and still there. Just knowing you were there if we needed you was a good feeling and reassuring. We never felt alone.” After that, I whittled walking sticks, taught rope making, fire building, & knot tying; later I became a Scoutmaster. Even though my sons both made the rank of Eagle, grew up, moved out, and got married; I’m still in Scouting and I’m having a ball. Why don’t you give it a try? I’ll show you how to make ‘Bug Juice’, bake ‘dump cakes’, start a fire with water, whittle a ‘grave stake, and cook food without fire. See me at THE WAYNEDALE NEWS office, 2700 Lower Huntington Road; I have applications.


THIS I BELIEVE by Chris Mathes, Scout Executive

(Reprinted from THE COURIER, the official messenger of the Anthony Wayne Area Council BSA – serving more than 13,000 youth in 11 counties in 7 districts.)

Our children are being raised in an increasingly sedentary society where physical activity is not the norm. There is little time built into hectic family schedules for exercise or even walking in the neighborhood as families. Youth who once roamed free in the outdoors playing ball, running through fields, fishing in creeks, and using their imaginations to create adventures now spend time watching television, playing video games, and surfing the internet. In addition, their eating habits include unhealthy levels of fast food, and drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol are easily accessible.

Since 1910, the Boy Scouts of America has prided itself on teaching a healthy respect for both the mind and body. Scouting has taught more than 110 million alumni and members the core tenets of a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, and physical outdoor activity. Scouts start planning meals as early as their Cub Scout years and participate in outdoor physical conditioning during their teen years. Scouting youth engage in fun, physical, outdoor activities, including swimming, hiking, canoeing, kayaking, skiing, and cycling, and learn important skills like CPR and first aid so they can be prepared for any emergency.

Research shows that physical fitness can increase self-esteem in youth and adults and decrease health-related problems later in life. Scouting understands the importance of educating youth about what health choices NOT to make by taking issues like youth drug use seriously. We are the products of our society, and our youth represent the very best our country has to offer. Let’s help them understand the critical role their minds and bodies will play during their entire lives. If their minds and bodies are maintained well today, they will reward them throughout their lives.



Saturday, Oct. 19 – 1pm at South Side High School

Thursday, Oct. 24, 6:30pm at Dupont Branch, Allen Co. Public Library

Tuesday, Oct. 29, 6:30pm at Paul Harding High School

Wednesday, Nov. 13, 6:30pm at Georgetown Branch, ACPL

Girls in Kindergarten – 12th grade and their parents are invited to attend these open meetings and learn more about Girl Scouting programs and membership. To encourage family support and involvement, girls are asked to attend with a parent or responsible adult. Girl Scouting is open to every girl between the ages of 5 and 17 who makes the Girl Scout Promise, accepts the Girl Scout Law and pays the $7 annual membership dues (financial assistance is available). These are the only requirements for membership.

The Girl Scout program offers girls everywhere an accepting and nurturing environment where they build character and skills for success in the real world. In partnership with committed adults and through age-appropriate activities, girls develop qualities that will serve them all their lives, like strong values, social conscience and conviction about their own self-worth. In Girl Scouts, girls discover the fun, friendship and power of girls together. Throughout the many enriching experiences provided by Girl Scouting, they grow courageous and strong.

Girl Scouts of the USA is the world’s pre-eminent organization for girls, with a membership of more than 3.5 million girls and adults. Today, as when founded in 1912, Girl Scouts helps cultivate values, social conscious and self-esteem in young girls while also teaching them critical life skills that will enable them to succeed as adults. In Girl Scouting – and its specials girl-only environment – girls discover the fun, friendship, and power of girls together. Girls Scouts of Limberlost Council, one of more than 300 councils chartered by Girls Scouts of the U.S.A., administers programs in Adams, Allen, DeKalb, Huntington, Stueben, and Wells counties in northeast Indiana. For more information contact Katy Peckham, Community Development Director at 422-3417 or 800-283-4812, extension 3317.



Walter Pressler Jr., long time supporter of scouting, father of Eagle Scout Brian Pressler, and current committee chairman of Troop 44 was awarded the prestigious ‘TROOP 44 ARROWHEAD AWARD’ for service to Boy Scout Troop 44. Walter has been involved in scouting since 1978 as a Trained Assistant Scoutmaster and Committee Chairman of Troop 44. He is also currently President of Portage Creek Camp Association, the sponsoring organization of Troop 44. Before Troop 44, Walter was Cubmaster for Pack 3344 back when the pack met at Waynedale Elementary School. Congratulations Walter Pressler and thanks for your many years of service to our boys.



Aaron Clark-2nd Class Badge and Orienteering Merit Badge

Cliffton Burden-Tenderfoot Badge and Orienteering MB

Nickolas Shultz-Bear Claw Camper Patch, Orienteering, and Emergency

Preparedness MB’s

Matthew Shultz-Orienteering MB

Joseph Shepard-Bear Claw Camper Patch, Recruiter Badge – Reading, Citizenship in the Family Life, Orienteering, Bird Study, and Painting MB’s

Kyle Collins-Bear Claw Camper Patch – Orienteering, Bird Study, and Painting MB’s

Trevor Collins-Tenderfoot Badge – Orienteering, Woodcarving, and Metal Work MB’s

Bryant Clark-Cycling, Family Life, and Orienteering MB’s

Austin Enyeart-Scout Badge – Orienteering MB

Nathan Moorefield-Scout Badge

Donvan Bryan-Scout Badge

Justin Moorefield-Scout Badge



Joyce L. Stuff – Cub Scout/Boy Scout Leader – Oct. 1, 2002

Suzanne L. Schoenemann – Girl Scout Leader – Oct. 8, 2002

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Ray McCune

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