The Great Outdoors



(A short but not complete list.)


1. Never, never, never the longest day you live would you ever wash my cast iron (skillets, griddles, etc.) in soapy water. If you would happen to forget, then prepare to leave town. Wash cast iron with a stiff brush and hot water ‘ONLY’. Lightly oil it after you dry it, never heat up cast iron quickly and never cool it off suddenly like throwing it in a snow bank. One of my Scouts did that – JUST ONCE . . . . .

2. Never change propane bottles on your lantern or camping stove without turning the stove to the “off“ position (there’s still enough gas present to cause a fire or small explosion).

3. Never put a piece of rope (string, leather, twine, cord, etc.) around your neck under any circumstance.

4. Never come camping with me without taking your own personal roll(s) of toilet paper secured in a waterproof Ziploc bag. Wet toilet paper or having to do without toilet paper can make for a very miserable camping trip; so can cold coffee.

5. Don’t forget your earplugs. I’ve been told that I snore but it’s never been proven to me. I’ll be wearing earplugs to keep from hearing you complain.

6. Never go camping with a dull knife; it is more dangerous than one that is razor sharp.

7. Don’t forget to take your own knife, as I don’t loan mine anymore because for some reason it always came back dull. One never came back and the borrower didn’t remember whom he loaned it to. Never a loaner or a borrower be; you’ll keep more friends that way. Oh, and I don’t loan out my underwear or my sleeping bag either.

8. Don’t forget your eating utensils (knife, fork, spoon), as mine are personal; go back and read #7 again.

9. I don’t smoke; I would appreciate it if you didn’t either. If you want to inhale smoke stand downwind from my campfire and breathe deeply.

10. Always whistle or sing around the campsite; I love a happy camper and it helps keep the wild animals away.

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Ray McCune

He has lived in Waynedale for over 45 years. He has taken to his lifelong dream of being a full time Outdoor Freelance Writer and author. Ray has authored one book and has written Kampfire Kookin' as well as other outdoors articles for the newspaper. > Read Full Biography > More Articles Written By This Writer